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Everything posted by Hornlover

  1. Good opportunity for y'all to donate and get some burnt ends flair
  2. Can't let this first quarter end too quickly
  3. Watts out. Malik Muhammad better be ready to step up.
  4. Umm, Sark ain't going to do anything wrong today
  5. I'm of the opinion that nobody has ever made it from Austin to Dallas faster than we did on Jan 1, 2000 (the first day of the new millennium). We partied for New Years on 6th Street til 2am, woke up at 7:30am, and left Austin at 8am. We stopped for gas near Waco and still pulled up to the Cotton Bowl at 10am for the game against Arkansas. We averaged about 110 MPH the entire way, and only passed 3 cars between Austin and Dallas.
  6. in for $50, Jonathan Brooks is a Bad Motherfucker, and OU still sucks
  7. Most likely, some aggy booster has figured out that buying a whole roster of 5stars with $2 million in NIL money is a lot damn cheaper than $80 million to buy out Jimbo. So they might as well just spend the money on players, and hope that they can build a roster that any moron (e.g. Chizik, Orgeron, Lesley Miles, Jimbo, etc.) could win a championship with.
  8. This sounds to me like the coaches were sick of having more and more elaborate photo shoots and having to deal with all of that shit, so they've agreed to just put an end to it.
  9. It may be hard to fathom, but aggy is a magnet for morons. It's like asking why flies are attracted to dogshit. No idea why, but they are. You're trying to apply logic and reason when there is nothing logical or reasonable about aggy.
  10. Would you shit a golden football if he's on the roster for the spring game? Asking for a friend ( @closetojumping )
  11. Jaydon Blue should be a true Sophi, not RS. If Blue and Baxter are the running back stable next year, we'll be in good shape, especially if we get anything out of Wisner or Red or any of the freshmen.
  12. I would like to request an Alabama Riverfront Brawl gif for this year.
  13. I don't care if anybody is vegan. I care if I have to listen to them yap about it, or complain when they don't like the options available for them.
  14. Is it just a coincidence that the timing of Machinator's disappearance coincided with the ascendency of the football team?
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