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Hooky Hornstein

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Everything posted by Hooky Hornstein

  1. Hadnot, Simmons, yep... Here’s an obscure one for you. Mark McBath... As DKR’s last QB he went 2-2 as a true freshman. The next year, before he was injured he was 3-0 with the Horns scoring 44, 68 & 72 points. The kind of point production we’d never see again under Akers. The following year he returned just in time to lead Texas to a 29-12 win over A&M and a 42-0 win over Maryland in the Sun Bowl. Then we never saw him again. He left school to be something stupid like a doctor, lawyer or the pope.
  2. So I was reading this thread last night and I saw the above post Machinator that shared with us. The thing that struck me was Leon Phelps' incorrect claim that they put more players in the NFL than we do. That boastful aggy statement encapsulates the difference between them and us. Look at how many former Longhorns are in the NBA. It's not a source of pride. It's a source of regret that we don't have any championships to show for it. But since the concept of a championship is so foreign to them, their lack of championships doesn't even faze them... at all. That's stunning. And sad.
  3. Texas was producing stellar DB talent even in the ‘40s, ‘50s & ‘60s. Here’s a few: Super Bill Bradley, the QB replaced by James Street. All-pro DB for the Eagles. Bobby Dillon - the Packers all-time interception leader and he last played about 65 years ago. Tom Landry - DB for the Giants, ledgendary coach of the Cowboys.
  4. Since Tom Herman has often stated that our offensive philosophy is to be one point better than the opposition, I suspect he and Tim Beck will have plenty of scripted 3 and outs planned for the third and fourth quarter so the Bayou Bengals can close the gap, but in the end the Horns will prevail. I'm going to say 21-20.
  5. Most of the A&M grads I know in real life are cool too, but it's often made me wonder something - not just about Aggies but about human nature in general: do all of the reasonable people with different view than ours act the same way and stand up for the same things among their peers, with their filters off, or do a completely different side of them come out? I have no doubt some of my Aggie friends are exactly the same level-headed people they seem to be, no matter who they're with. Then again, I have no doubt some of my seemingly sane Aggie friends are probably the most delusional idiots on TexAgs. You never know what lurks in the heart of man and the downfall of society brings out all the strange.
  6. You “mass appeal” proponents do realize that the average 16 (and 30) year olds did not know the words to Jump, Sweet Carolie or Don’t Stop Believing UNTIL they became ubiquitous stadium things.
  7. How about instead of ‘Jump’ by LA’s House of Pain like everybody else they play ‘Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta’ (the radio version without the N word) by Texas’ own Geto Boys instead? How about instead of ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ by SF’s Journey like everybody else they play ‘I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide’ by Texas’ own ZZ Top. How About instead of ‘Sweet Caroline,’ like everybody else they play ‘Texas’ by Chris Rea. A senior makes a great play, play ‘You’re Gonna Miss Me’ by the 13th Floor Elevators. The defense makes a stand, play ‘Tuff Enuff’ by the Fabulous Thunderbirds. Almost halftime, how about ‘Una Mas Cerveza’ by the Texas Tornados. The possibility’s are endless so why be common when you can be iconic?
  8. I like the stadium experience and ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ is cool but since there are millions of songs, thousands of Texas artists and hundreds of songs about Texas, I sometimes wonder why we can’t tap into a more unique selection of songs that are bit less like the same songs played at so many other stadiums and more personal to Austin, Texas.
  9. Better response than mine. When I think of the girls of bye, I think of:
  10. Not sure if anybody mentioned this particular team or uniform but last week I saw a replay of Syracuse's game against Clemson and I was impressed by their look. I'm a traditional kind of guy and I hardly ever like new, trendy stuff but I thought Syracuse was eye-catching. Wouldn't want a team of mine wearing stuff like that but for an irrelevant team 1500 miles away, they look good.
  11. I'm not going to bother to look this up but I seem to recall a time in the early '70s when TCU hired a former Texas assistant (named Pittman, possibly) who had a heart attacked and died during a game. The team pulled together and went like 6-4-1 or something like that. After that they were very awful but that one year they were inspired. And that year, I believe they wore these terrible lavender uniforms that they could not have gotten away with wearing in any other decade.
  12. All I want is for Texas to win. Every game. By a wide margin. Is that so bad? I want it from Herman, and I wanted it from Strong, Mack, Mackovic, McWilliams, Akers and Royal too. When they don’t win, it pisses me off. I don’t like ‘moral’ victories and sometimes it even takes me four days to like a narrow win over a shitty opponent. When Texas doesn’t win and the damn coach says something that sounds tone deaf, it pisses me off. I may not be in the locker room but I was in the stands before everybody who’s in the locker room was even born. If Herman continues to win, I will continue to smile in my heart, but don’t expect me to sing his praises because I’m scared of jinxing him. But if he continues on his current trajectory, I may learn to love him. Secretly of course. Nevertheless, I reserve the right to be bitchy and hard to please.
  13. I’m not ready to dance on the coffee table just yet, but I am rather pleased and disinclined to bitch at this particular time.
  14. I didn’t expect that but I was not opposed to it. Thank you for the mammaries.
  15. I like their song ‘Sunday Morning.’ There’s about 11 notes in it that reminds me of Stevie Wonder’s ‘Uptight.’
  16. Sounded like an Louisianan or at least an East Texan from the Golden Triangle in the background, yellin’ “Hit him doown! Hit him doown! Hit him doown!” Them crazy fucks love a good fight.
  17. I'd take the frog over Herbstreit 8 days a week.
  18. You have a coach who can't answer a question without hemming and hawing and drinking from a water bottle and he wonders why his team over-analyzes things instead of just reacting quickly. Yep. It's such a mystery.
  19. I can't say I'm actually apathetic but I'm kind of dazed like those Okies you see on TV sitting outside their trailer park that just got trashed by a tornado. They're like ,"I live in Oklahoma, in a trailer, I just got hit by a tornado, and I now can't find my meth. Can it get much worse?" Yeah. It's kind of like that.
  20. When Mack arrived in 1998 he made insightful personnel changes like moving DD Lewis from FB to MLB and Leonard Davis from DT to LT. And say what you will about Greg Davis (God know I did) when he was unfettered by Mack’s ocasional visions, he pretty much adapted his offense to fit the stregths of his personnel. Mack’s undoing was his loyalty to people who did not bring the best level of value to the program. Then of course becoming thinskinned and defensive didn’t help.
  21. In comparison to Tyrone Swoops, Jerrod Heard looked lightning quick and deliberate but I’m not sure he was ever the best long term answer or that he would be better than Ehlinger or Buchelle right now if he had remained a QB. But generally speaking, I do think some Texas QBs moved to the WR room too soon. Imagine if John Childs (okay, Chiles) had backed up McCoy in 2009 and Gilbert had redshirted. Our last 10 years might’ve turned out completely different. So for young QBs buried on the depth chart, I recommend playing MLB or transferring elsewhere but never move to WR. They screw you at WR.
  22. Charlie Strong was David McWilliams, while Tom Herman is John Mackovic. As Texas fans we want every coach to succeed and we’re bitterly disappointed when they don’t. But you know what makes it even worse? When they’re dicks about it. Strong and McWilliams made crappy decisions and humiliated Texas football but at least you felt like their hearts were in the right place and they were just as heartbroken about it as the fanbase was. Mackovic and Herman, on the otherhand, were/are both so fucking narcissistic they actually revel in their crappy decisions and inconsistent logic, disassociate from the humiliation to blame others, and treat the fanbase with contempt. if you’re going to be an asshole like that, you really need to win quick and big because the patience of the insulted fanbase is gonna be worn paper thin.
  23. PS - not to objectify folks of the female variety but I’m an old man, I ain’t picky and I’m constantly aroused but I wouldn’t take a BJ from any of those Tulsa girls. well just a BJ. Maybe some anal. Nothing face to face.
  24. Question #1 - what kind of trophy do we get for alignment? Question #2 - Ever heard of John Mackovic? Question #3 - Why Porter instead of Ingram? Question #4 - howcome Ehlinger never suffers any consequences for screw ups? Question #5 - why you gotta be such a dick?
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