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  1. What, you don't think there were gay slave owners?
  2. Does Kiffin think their bowl payout is based on how many points they score?
  3. Did those dumbfuck announcers just say GA has not trailed anytime in their last 6 games?
  4. That just lets you watch them, not download. Downloading from youtube is easy and free, not so much with patreon.
  5. heads up for anyone looking for the full Clemson or ASU games on youtube....Dizney is putting the hammer down and blocking everything. I have both game captures but the only way to grab them for the average person is from a torrent site.
  6. heads up for anyone looking for the full Clemson or ASU games on youtube....Dizney is putting the hammer down and blocking everything. I have both game captures but the only way to grab them for the average person is from a torrent site.
  7. Jack Black and Seth Rogen are equally terrible, take both
  8. Yeah, this needs more exposure. Having a relative who is so similar to Culkin's character was like an on-screen family reunion for me. You want to tell him to STFU, then beat the fuck out of him, then hug and get drunk.
  9. Good call on that Tenn/tOSU game. What a close one. Tenn would have crushed tOSU if it wasn't for all those sip refs.
  10. she went anywhere from 150 to 250 ft down for at least 5 minutes breathing 21% air and did a rapid ascent with zero safety stops. The oxygen toxicity alone would have fucked her up while she was restarting the pump.
  11. lol. They had a nice conversation about diving safety and DCS (the bends)...then Juliette proceeds to do exactly what one would do to get DCS....and doesn't appear to be in the slightest bit of pain. For our non-diving audience, she should be dead from an embolism or near dead from the pain/shock.
  12. I love that she's terrified of horses 😆 luna scared.mp4
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