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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. This show obviously isn't for me. I was cheering for the pirates and for the kids to get serious beatings, then get sold into slavery on a mining planet.
  2. Gosh, I wish the 1st episode could have crammed more Blowem Yang in, you just can't get enough.
  3. negged for that stupid fucking longcat
  4. Creep? He's a deeply disturbed sexual predator/rapist.
  5. You're gonna have to pry FB out of Mexico/Latin America's cold dead hands; they use if for fucking everything.
  6. I quit after 2 episodes when it originally came out. It's really, really slow, plus the main actress is hideously ugly and gets way too much screen time.
  7. They have the 3rd world shill reviewers working OT on this one. At one point, it was 95% positive critic reviews until some actual non-Brit/Aussies chimed in.
  8. Yes, there is a new french movie version from 2024. And just to help confuse you, there is an english mini-series from 2024 also.
  9. It was named after a Club that served it.
  10. I walked up there in June with my girlfriend. She's a walking/hiking machine. I had to stop and rest on those benches 3 times. For the return hike I said Fuck No and jumped in a horse carriage.
  11. The very first boomer quote about young people not understanding how the world works is accurate for my "parable"... coasting through HS on Cs and Ds, a new shitty part time job every month and dropping out of jr. college to focus on your gaming resume will not make you a 25 year old millionaire, despite what social media teaches us.
  12. "I don't understand how to use the search feature"
  13. That's a dumb blanket statement on HCF products. There are plenty of non-meat items that are way cheaper than the name brand and work just as well.
  14. There is some truth in there. My son spent years fucking around with jr. college and shitty part time jobs waiting for someone to make him a billionaire for his gaming skillz. When that didn't pan out, he took a cue from his cousin (who dropped out of UTD engineering school to be an apprentice electrician) and started learning the plumbing business. He makes way more now than I did at his age and his cousin makes almost double.
  15. I think he was just pointing out that 4 of those people aren't even lawyers. Anyone who watched TV in the 80s-90s should know Perry Mason and Matlock are the ones to call.
  16. Who are you responding to? TXtow and the guy who lived in Thailand with young girlfriends were not the same poster
  17. What, you don't think there were gay slave owners?
  18. Does Kiffin think their bowl payout is based on how many points they score?
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