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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Why don't you just go ahead and tell us what you think is his last good movie.
  2. The Martian, 2015
  3. The Last Duel was only 3 years ago
  4. Fucking morons. Color TV in 1963 was like HDTV in 2000. Something like 1% of broadcasts were color, and only rich people had color TVs. So no one saw their dyed field. And of course this game was decided by tu loving refs and Bill Little. Also, the field was muddy and green because tu students poured grass killer on it. That's their official story.
  5. Yeah, it was a stretch argument. Anyway, the point is: the only two times in the last 85 years aggy has had a real shot at an MNC, they were on probation for cheating. aggy blows goats
  6. That was a hotly debated topic back then. The sane ags I knew argued that they would have been ranked higher if they hadn't been banned from TV/Post Season and the poll voters had been able to see them play. So if they had been #3 instead of Miami, there's an argument they could have played Nebraska (this was their argument, not mine).
  7. I meant to add; they had their shot in 1994 (the year before) when they would have played Nebraska for the MNC, but of course they were on probation for cheating their asses off. Stupid fuckers fucked up Thanksgiving and forced us to play Baylor.
  8. I didn't think bringing that up in a house full of drunk raging aggy was a good idea.
  9. We have to take on Nebraska in the prelim, then aggy is the main event.
  10. When I was at UT, the Lamda Chi "house" was a large condemned shack.
  11. Great memories. I watched that game in Dallas with the aggy friends who were supposed to get me a ticket to the Texas game. They were having a game watch party and when CU scored to take the lead in the 4th, every aggy there was screaming and breaking shit. My aggy friend said "I can't fucking believe this shit, this was the year we win it all. We won't get a chance like this again for years". And he continues to be right.
  12. I'm excited to see Da Vinci tearing up the screen
  13. I was in collie station for that 1995 16-6 game, staying with some friends who swore they could get me a ticket. That fell through and I just watched the game at their house. After the game, that town was fucking pissed off. My friends told me that they saw several Texas fans shoved and punched in their section and told me I was lucky they couldn't score me a ticket. I remember posters on hornfans had similar stories from that game. To pay them back for putting me up, I placed a big to-go order from that "Wings and More" shithole they all love. I was wearing my normal Texas baseball cap when I went to pick up the food and everyone in that shithole was glaring at me when I walked in. As soon as Jethro at the counter saw my hat, he grabbed the stack of food bags and said "we got more stuff to put in it". I could hear him and his dork buddies giggling in the kitchen, obviously spitting/jizzing in the food. He brought it all back out a minute later, and it rang up to about $100. I just turned around and walked out.
  14. "It was 1998 and I was kinda grunge because I was into this new grunge scene, fresh new bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam"
  15. They've scored 24 or more three times this year.
  16. Binturongs (Bearcats) are awesome
  17. I'm aware of that. Did you read his quote? He's describing a 3-way tie.
  18. welp, sounds like a clean bill of health for Coach "Just Rub Some Dirt In It" Sark
  19. 🤣 right, it's our easy schedule that will keep us out of the CCG, not the fact that we would have lost to aggy and Georgia.
  20. It's called a British breakfast taco
  21. "The ags ran out of time on a controversial play when the receiver dropped a ball that had obviously been tampered with. Did undercover Auburn officials spray grease on the ball prior to the play? Ag lawyers are submitting FOI demand papers as we speak."
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