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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Right. Having concerns about our crippled QB1 and insane coach = Ur SkEeReD uH dEm AgGgiEs
  2. Do you understand the difference between discussing a possible scenario vs expecting it to happen?
  3. Cool, believe whatever you want. And I already spelled out the scenario. Aggy wins big, Ewers is out for the year and Arch looked terrible. Maybe toss in a couple of other injuries and I can absolutely see us dropping more than 8 spots. I'm not gonna guess how every committee member will vote, but sure as fuck there some that don't love Texas.
  4. I said it's a "nightmare scenario" not a "likely scenario". This is a football discussion board, we discuss random shit like this. And I'm glad all of you have absolute faith in the playoff committee not doing something unpredictable, because that's never happened.
  5. The nightmare scenario is Sark starts a hurt Ewers next week, who fumbles and throws multiple INTs. He's then forced to put in Arch, who plays like shit and aggy wins. So Texas has a hurt QB1 and unreliable QB2....and then the playoff committee treats us like Florida State last year.
  6. It's horrifying. A 3 loss aggy team could still technically win the MNC.
  7. Cool
  8. Aggy lost and Ewers is hurt. The line didn't move so right now it looks like Vegas thinks that's a push. I never said the line wouldn't move this week.
  9. no shit? The line would move if they thought Ewers was healthy? Thanks for that heads up. No. Fucking. Shit.
  10. for fucks sake, all I said was right now we are not guaranteed a playoff spot with a loss to aggy....meaning no one from the playoff selection committee announced Texas has a playoff spot tonight.
  11. I'll be very happy to be wrong but I haven't seen anything official.
  12. Nothing has changed for aggy and they didn't have any serious injuries. They still control their own destiny for the SECCG and the playoffs. Not sure why the line would move.
  13. the stat I saw today (prior to the aggy loss) was 68% chance if we lose to aggy
  14. Yes, we should get in, but it ain't fucking guaranteed, like I said
  15. like I said, not guaranteed. Shit can still happen.
  16. Where do you see that?
  17. we are not guaranteed a playoff spot if we lose to aggy
  18. He's still traumatized from her scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  19. Anyone can make an ad that goes viral. A Chili's ad that just shows people licking dirt feet would go viral. "Success" is when the ad leads to product sales. No one is rushing out to Jag dealerships due to this ad.
  20. They're doing it wrong. That ad has shots of the actual car they're trying to sell. That's lame and old. Needs more clowns too.
  21. This person wasn't terribly smart, in case that wasn't obvious. They wanted get away from their parents in Austin, but didn't want to go farther than Waco.
  22. sugar-free hippie peanut butter fucking sucks
  23. How am I gonna shit in that thing? I'll stick with my current setup
  24. This is the opposite of reality and so very aggy. The only Texas school regret stories I've heard in 30 years of dealing with aggy graduates are: I wanted to go to UT but couldn't get in. Got in to aggy easily. My parents didn't want me to go to UT because they thought I would party too much. Couldn't get in to Rice. SMU and TCU were too expensive. It was either aggy or Tech. Should have gone to Tech. I'm from Austin but wanted to get away from my parents. aggy looked fun and it was close to Austin. Should have gone to Baylor.
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