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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. And you know this how? I worked at a dozen different restaurants before/after UT and not one had a policy holding a waiter liable for check skipping.
  2. and all the new cold weather tailgating gear has been up for a month, so you can sport your new down jacket at the Rice game when it's 103
  3. I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're in a tourist area and the waitstaff know you're from the US. The vast majority of Mexican waitstaff are terrible. They receive literally zero training and service 2-3x more tables simultaneously than the average US waiter. Most Mexican nationals tip well under 10%, sometimes just the leaving the coins or nothing at all. Unless you work in a nice tourist area at a restaurant catering to Americans/Canadians, there is little incentive to perform above the bare minimum (and it's also pretty hard to get fired here). Don't get me started on all the shitty asians/euros who pull "we don't have to tip at home, why tip on a Mexican vacation?" bullshit.
  4. Damn right. My mom used to give them out in lieu of halloween candy. Some of those kids looked mad, but you know deep down, they appreciated the message.
  5. IPTV. Around $10/month and you'll get pretty much any channel you can think of. DVR'ing is a challenge, but can be done.
  6. She was 18 in LOST. Touching yourself during a re-watch is legal.
  7. I'd bet 75% of the tech shit coming from china still uses micro USB. They refuse to switch over to USB C.
  8. This sounds like something the bible has been warning about for a while
  9. This show is a fucking disgrace and all the writers need lead naps.
  10. Yep. The section of the female brain dedicated to non-emotional memory is about the size of a baby flea.
  11. 7am Puebla dog park. Arrive any later and the parking lot looks like Red Buds PXL 20230813 130034783 (1080p_60fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4
  12. The same loser nerds I posted about in the remote work thread. We have two guys on my team that voluntarily drive to a 90% empty office 3-4 days/week and book a 30 seat conference room for all our team meetings...the overhead camera is on, just pointing at 2 dorks in a giant conference room for the entirety of every meeting.
  13. Sky ice jackpot today PXL 20230812 224558739 (1080p_54fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4
  14. No, Bill's was at Coit/Spring Valley. There was a dollar theater close to Bill's (which also used to be a nice place with large theaters...I saw Star Wars there). It got chopped into smaller dollar screening rooms sometime mid-80's.
  15. It wasn't a dollar cinema when Raiders was there (I saw it there twice). That was when it had two huge. nice theaters. They chopped those 2 up into a bunch of tiny dollar screening rooms around 1983.
  16. Thirsty PXL 20230811 222221409 (1080p_59fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4
  17. $5 for a small 1lb. hunk of bread? Fuck, Mexico is spoiling me on bread/pastry prices.
  18. He drove to Austin to party every other weekend anyway, not a big stretch. Strange that he didn't enjoy getting blasted with/by the aggy faithful.
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