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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Fucking limey shitheads decided to close Buckingham Palace today. Looks like The Coronation Part 2; most of the Mall closed off and barricades everywhere.
  2. Yep, but we planned our vacation perfectly and just got into London.
  3. Fucking Mexicans and their love of closing on Mondays. Every single attraction we wanted to see is closed today. Somehow this was a surprise to my Mexican girlfriend, who was looking forward to all this shit and "planned" it. We got in late last night so we ate at an Argentinian place called Quebracho. Only place within 3 miles open past 10pm. Good meat. No pics, I was too tired. https://goo.gl/maps/VuUQRZQFdNCBYSN16?coh=178571&entry=tt
  4. You must make a shitload of soda. I swap my tank out maybe once per year. Not a big deal for me.
  5. buy a big CO2 tank off craigslist, hose and adapter from Amazon....never pay for stupid expensive sodastream refills again. I have a setup in my kitchen in Austin and here in Puebla
  6. 3 weeks straight weighing myself every 2 days and same diet, same workout. Zero weight increases. Consistent losses every single weigh-in, every single time. That's why I said "impossible".
  7. Fucking scales. I have one I got from amazon for $25 that has worked pretty well for 4 months. Rechargeable, has an app and tracks your weight. 4 days ago, it showed I had gained 2 pounds in 2 days, which is pretty much impossible, since I was following the exact same regimen every single day. No water weight gains. So I weighed myself again 5 minutes later and I was down 1/2 pound. I noticed one of the base corners was in a grout line, so I moved the whole thing to where every base was sitting on a solid tile. Weighed myself again...back up 1 pound. So I moved the scale around to different places in the bathroom and got a bunch of different weights. And the best part? Our maid moves this thing to a new place in the bathroom every week when she cleans. So, disgusted, I shoved this thing across the bathroom floor with my bare foot, it hit the tile wall and broke into 10,000 glass pieces. Fucking piece of shit. I walked down the hall to my girlfriends bathroom, used her scale, and it showed I'm down 1.2 pounds. And now I'm using that one every day now.
  8. If you don't care about carbs, just sugar/calories, the Costco chocolate chip granola bars are great. Best tasting 100 calorie bar I know of.
  9. Thanks. Looks cool, but we need to eat an actual meal.
  10. We tried to get our indian offshore team to do this years ago. Every fucking day was some new excuse why they were hours late or couldn't come in at all. Evidently, the area where they all live is like The Purge every single day and so dangerous at night that no one leaves their house. So after about a month of that shit, we just put them back on their normal schedule.
  11. Sunday is the start of our 5 week vacation and we aren't getting into Condesa until 8pm, so we don't really want a torta/taco stand. Need someplace to sit, chill, eat and drink. Been a fucking stressful week.
  12. Uh, putt would have paid for that
  13. meh. It's a fucking crapshoot. We just had a massive round of layoffs that included 5 guys I deal with on a daily basis. I've worked with some of them for 15+ years. They are always responsive, know their job and my job is now harder without them. The criteria for putting them in the layoff column was 100% "They make too much money, let's find some cheap Indians". I'm sure some slackers were canned, but I don't know of any. Meanwhile, the admin assistant in our group probably works 20 hours a week, due to all her kids school functions, weekly sickouts and vacations. She must not make a lot.
  14. I don't have to, I've been working remotely 100% for 10 years and that is unlikely to change.
  15. I don't think he understands how offices work, and that the 2.5 hours of wasted travel time is on top of the 8-12 hours you put in at the office every day.
  16. Enter parking garage > Find parking spot > Walk to elevators > Get from elevators to desk > Get from desk to elevators > Walk to parking garage > Start car and exit parking garage Yes, that's 30 minutes per day.
  17. Need some restaurant recommendations for the Condesa area. Headed there Sunday/Monday. My girlfriend knows a place she definitely wants to go, but she can't remember the name or where it is, so we probably aren't eating there.
  18. My office is a 2 hour round trip on Mopac in medium traffic. Any wrecks or construction, it goes up from there. Then it's 30 minutes per day finding a parking space and getting back and forth from the parking garage to my desk. So if you think wasting 2.5 hours (or more) every day getting to/from work somehow increases productivity, you must work for the government.
  19. Fuck that shit. I can do every bit of my work remotely with fewer distractions. The only IT/Networking people that go into our offices right now are: 1. Lonely dorks that wander around and gossip/annoy other people because they have no lives outside of work. 2. Pathetic married guys who use the office to escape their wife/kids.
  20. We've invited him and several other family members to come over the last 3 years when we were in Cozumel, La Paz and now Puebla. All lame excuse replies. Pretty much everyone in my family is lame as fuck, aside from my brother in law. He's the only one that makes an effort; he set up a diving trip with his dad to come dive with us 2 years ago, but managed to pick a week I had to be in Austin. The rest? "Oh, I heard some news about all the cartels killing all the tourists down there, doesn't sound like a good time to visit" Me "Really? If you "heard" some news that muslim terrorists were shooting everyone everywhere in the US, would you barricade yourself in the house?" For fucks sake.
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