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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Thermoworks had a great deal on the Pop and the Dot a few weeks ago, you should set up a slickdeals alert. https://slickdeals.net/f/16607111-thermoworks-thermopop-12-60-s-h-12-60?src=SiteSearch
  2. You don't need a van, RV or camper, just buy a SW airlines meal supply truck. This thing is awesome.
  3. I got excited about the Stahlsac backpack until the price tag. Fucking ridiculous. Amazon sells dozens of no-name same designs for less than half that.
  4. So many oblivious tards on this thread. Couchburner and geriatric Textard appear like clockwork.
  5. Please don't use the word "Hubs" ever again on this site unless you are referring to parts of a wheel.
  6. 5 minutes after I find my keys there
  7. Spoiler alert: some scientists build a big bomb
  8. Every fucking time we try to blow leaves off the patio...... Blowing the patio.mp4
  9. This. Every person on this thread that said they enjoyed it immediately went to the top of the "ignore all recommendations from" list.
  10. Is there a Surly approved go-to company for this? My little brother is getting married at the end of the month and still doesn't have a passport, so him and his new bride will be celebrating in Wichita Falls unless this shit gets fixed pronto.
  11. Everyone interested in the movie should watch the show first
  12. Right. Check Google maps. The Puerto Escondido area has lots of different beaches.
  13. file under "text message conversations that never happened ever"
  14. Are you also a tard? Did you read the quote and the fucking link? The CCCC grads in charge of Dallas IT infrastructure allowed a ransomware attack, which is preventing officials from getting records about calls to the shooters home.
  15. I barely made it through the whole thing. 34% on RT. The one thing I do remember is Monica Belluci basically saying she'd never work with Bruce Willis again, after she spent all her time on set telling him to fuck off and stop hitting on her.
  16. Fucking tards in charge. Stop being like Austin, Dallas
  17. "I thought the tail was the head. Whoop."
  18. How the fuck did he manage to get bitten? Did he grab the coral snake and rub its head with his finger?
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