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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Just finished Season 1: I would kill all of you to take Iris on a nice date and walk her to the door Dressing up as a prison guard means you can just breeze through hundreds of law enforcement personnel, who are questioning/interviewing everyone? I saw stupid angry bitch mother running out of the house and thought "WTF are you gonna do? You think hundreds of national guard and state police are just gonna let some crazy fat old lady wander around a live war zone?" Yep, that's exactly what happened.
  2. Yep. Fucking miserable. Ellie is unarmed and being hunted by dozens of armed men from the town. Stealth kills didn't help much, since the townie body would get discovered in 5 seconds and 10 guys would surround that location.
  3. Yep. My girlfriend stays out of the sun down here because she doesn't want to look dark, i.e. poor.
  4. Yep, they skipped over the whole part where Ellie escaped the cell and the whole town is trying to kill her. That shit sucked.
  5. My friend who worked at a dive shop in Xcalak had some great stories from his 5 years working there. He's a 6 foot Jamaican with a thick accent. He said he would get asked the most insulting and racist questions from Mexican customers. Most of the Mexicans in this (very rural) area had never seen a live black person before him, and the only thing they knew about black people they learned from Netflix. He said lots of Mexican guests would ask if there were any Mexican cooks in the kitchen because they didn't really trust food cooked by a black person. Dalmain, fucking great chef, works at a nice place in XpuHa now
  6. Huh? PPs exact words were "How much do we have left? Venison, elk, rabbit." You think they were having a private conversation and using code words? Ok.
  7. No sweet and sour pork with egg roll? Damn, I guess it'll be fish and chips for the duration.
  8. James told PP (Pedo Preacher) at the beginning they had 1-2 weeks of game meat left, they could have been eating anything.
  9. Are your parents forcing you to go on a family cruise?
  10. it sounds like you're trying to apply logic to religious beliefs
  11. I was being semi-facetious, but yes, lots of hardcore/non-denominational Christian sects are strict "burial only" believers.
  12. Nice. Post up if you find some good Chinese. We are staying in Kensington Gardens in May and my girlfriend has never had anything above the level of Panda Express.
  13. Christians, even Christian cults, don't burn dead bodies. You bury them, otherwise Jesus can't find them during the Rapture
  14. I tried to dig in the greenbelt behind my house In Austin once when it had been under 30 degrees for 3 days...had to use a pickaxe.
  15. and no one is picking on a "little girl", she's about to turn 20.
  16. Silo will needs its own thread. Should be huge if they don't fuck it up. The books were great. Could be big like Last of Us.
  17. They said they couldn't bury the bodies due to the frozen ground, which is absolutely true.
  18. Why would anyone assume cannibalism from that? James tells Pedo Preacher they have enough game meat for 2 weeks and Pedo Preacher tells Ellie only a few people know what they're doing with the dead bodies. They sure as hell weren't telling the mothers and kids.
  19. Who said she couldn't act? Being a good actress doesn't make her look any less like a potato. Maggie Gyllenhaal is a good actress. She's also fugly and unpleasant to look at. The Dark Knight would have been a better movie with a female lead that men actually find attractive.
  20. Someone in the other thread said something about not liking it because the conversations weren't realistic.....You mean like Curb? Seinfeld? 25 other classic sitcoms people quote here?
  21. Colombia has a Banjercito, but not 24 hours. Opens at 8am. The one for Eagle Pass is a few miles down the road, I think it has similar hours (I never cross there). Crossing at Laredo is fucking dangerous. Cartel fuckers will wait til you cross the bridge towards the Banjercito, block you in with multiple cars, then take your cash and anything else they want. It's got so bad, the last few years Nuevo Laredo local policia have been offering an escort service (for tips) to the nearest cuota.
  22. Just using something everyone can relate to. We have a shitload of Houstonites around here that think Houston is fantastic and a great place to live.
  23. Mazatlan is safer than Houston. There's a huge US/Canuck ex-pat community there.
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