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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. Wiki and Disney seem to agree, so that's what I went with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeping_Beauty_Castle
  2. How so? He was stabbed and didn't immediately die, i.e. an injury.
  3. The queen's castle in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was inspired by the Alcazar castle. The Disneyland/Sleeping Beauty/Cinderella castle was based on Neuschwanstein.
  4. His injury is a cut scene and the game doesn't progress without it.
  5. The last 2 episodes have been hot garbage.
  6. Through 3 episodes it's pretty meh; aside from the cool retro-futuristic motif,
  7. Any non USAA options? I'm not eligible. @Wulaw Horn who was your insurer? How were they to work with on the claim? Anyone can sell you insurance. Claims are important. I use State Farm, as do a bunch of guys on the Sportsmobile forums. https://www.sportsmobileforum.com/forums/search.php?searchid=4638348
  8. Maybe? Maybe not? If you had read all the comments RE: Episode 3, you'd know none of that happened in the game. The writers didn't create a 1:1 screenplay adaptation; those of us that know the game continue to be just as surprised as you.
  9. The actress is 19, no pedo warning necessary.
  10. I am guessing the letter was more like: at some point before the trip Brian tells his mom Gabby went nuts and threatened to stab/shoot/kill him, protective mom replies she'll bring a shovel to help bury her if that happens.
  11. uh, where did I opine that she deserved death? I just posted additional info that was omitted from the linked story.
  12. The Laundrie attorneys are saying the letter was written prior to the trip, after Brian told his mom about Gabby raging on him. Apparently they have proof of prior incidents where Gabby went off on Brian.
  13. People who make long drives to their travel destinations, i.e. on vacation? If I've been driving for 5 hours and feel the need to shit, I'm not holding it 5 more hours till I get to the hotel. More power to you and your principals if you routinely hold shits in for hours to avoid rest stops, I'm sure that's a fun drive.
  14. The problem is you need a man purse to carry it into rest stops/restaurant bathrooms, otherwise it looks like you're sneaking in to pleasure yourself with a giant sex toy.
  15. Oh for fucks sake, no one was following this guy around persecuting him. I just pointed out that spelling a travel destination the way he (wrongly) thinks it's pronounced prevents people from searching for it. No one here creates threads about their trips to WahToolCo, OurCanSaw or driving on ManShack, and they would be laughed at if they did. Most people respond with a simple "Yep, my bad"...instead, the OP doubled down, railing on US imperialism, virtue signaling about native bonding and declaring that anyone poking fun at him is evil and toxic. In short, he was being a pretentions dbag, which, in case you're new to the shaggyverse, is frowned upon. And I can see from the pretentious dbag that liked your post, I was spot on.
  16. Why the fuck would I bother? People like you wouldn't believe it even if Vice and PBS documentaries confirmed it. I'm not gonna post every fucking internet article on the subject; if you actually gave a shit about something other than your own narrative, you'd look yourself.
  17. Sorry, I didn't take a video the last time I was helping my crew bring guns through the Guatemala border. Aside from "I live in Mexico and have friends all over Mexico who talk about this stuff", there are plenty of online articles about it.
  18. Yep. Ignore the clowns. Lots of guns come from the south. https://businessinsider.mx/mexican-cartels-getting-more-weapons-from-new-source-2022-2/?r=US&IR=T
  19. It is a super cool place and close to Cambridge too.
  20. Yep. I hate myself for reading the whole post. Typical pointless bloviating.
  21. If some fat red-faced guy I just met in a pub cornered me and told me those 3 things, I'd go find a new pub.
  22. You got it, douchebag. I hope your next trip report is on "Ibitha"
  23. Who cares? You keep spelling it wrong. It's spelled Bora Bora literally everywhere. The airport code is BOB, not POP. You can't book a flight or vacation package to "Pora Pora". Stop being a pretentious douchebag.
  24. Ok, we get it, you're down with the natives. No one that reads this board spells it "Pora Pora", so it's completely unhelpful for anyone searching the forums for Bora Bora.
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