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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. seems like a good place to install a projector, the wall looks like it could easily take a 120" screen
  2. He's obviously never been to El Cholo in L.A.
  3. You're a fucking idiot. Did the astros cheat again? Time to celebrate.
  4. Again, learn to use technology. Tapatalk works just fine.
  5. I ran out of new stuff to read, so I re-started the Atlantis book, couldn't remember why I didn't finish it. Oh right, I remember now, it's because the author is fixated on every male vampire sucking each other off.
  6. Don't tell your wife that 46 is an old lady
  7. FB Marketplace Offer Up https://bringatrailer.com/rvs-campers/
  8. Damian Bichir, Nick Stahl, et al. Pretty good so far. Loved the original film, the US remake was tolerable, hope this series works out.
  9. What a horrible POS show. And they just announced some C-list actors as "Special guest stars this week". Just like the final seasons of Love Boat and Fantasy Island. So fresh and hip.
  10. We used to rock the Coors Light party balls in N.O. for Mardi Gras. Keep the party ball in the trunk and run the spout line through the backseat = No officer, we aren't carrying any alcohol inside the car.
  11. I read all the Bond books as a kid and was constantly amazed at all the shit they changed for the films. You Only Live Twice is a great book, but only has Japan/Blofeld in common with the film.
  12. And cats are the assholes of the household pet kingdom
  13. I get that, but Orcas will also sometimes just eat the tongue or other random organs. The "asshole" part comes up because many of the calve attacks involve toying with it and needlessly torturing it before the actual kill. NOTE: I know plenty of marine biologists in Baja/Yucatan who love whales and detest orcas due to this behavior. If you get stuck on a long boat ride with them, they end up swapping "asshole orca" stories.
  14. No shit? They're predators? Thanks for the heads up, fuckface. No one was arguing against whatever point you're trying to make. Orcas do a lot of cruel shit for fun; whale pup livers don't contain a magical substance Orcas need to survive. If you shoot Bambi just to get some liver, you're an asshole too.
  15. Assholes of the ocean. They will attack and tear up whale pups just to get their livers, then ignore the rest.
  16. also a Cowboys win and a houston texaggyans loss, perfect weekend.
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