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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. You wear a 12 in every brand of shoe? Do you have auto-adjusting toes? I wear 11/11.5/12 depending on the brand/model/year/etc
  2. SGU. The only one that wasn't cartoonish.
  3. please post info if you find a date/time/channel
  4. 25 years here. Started on the 360 boards in 1997, migrated to hornfans around 2000. Around 2008, I was helping whalecunt with a few routing/chat issues she was having; she complained about her old, slow hardware, and I offered to donate some newer servers I had laying around for DB backend work. She seemed pretty happy about that. Then I went on a work trip, came back to a blinking envelope, and saw I had been banned for having the Lulville cheerleader as my avatar. Whalecunt had laid down her SJW law in a thread I didn't see and was banninating everyone involved, including Bob. So Bob emailed me, said he was starting a new site and I gave him all the hardware I was gonna give whalecunt. Hopefully it worked for a while. Whalecunt never followed up about the hardware donation she was looking forward to, I guess she just had hundreds of posters offering her thousands in free hardware. I did my best to PM every decent poster on HF I knew about shaggy until whalecunt and her army of cumguzzling fuckminions shut down PMs. And now Surly. meh. We lost a lot of good shaggy posters and got invaded by a ton of shitty ones.
  5. Wrong thread. You're looking for the "I love to drink my own bloody cum out of rough truck driver assholes" thread
  6. The manning simulcast is unwatchable now. Good job, idiots.
  7. Ok, JJ is really fucking up the commentary
  8. Stop with the fucking bullshit Progressive "guy forgot to pack stuff" commercial. This has never happened.
  9. Bacalar is maybe 4 hours if you drive slow/speed limit. I do it in under 3.5 hours. Holbox is gonna be 3 hours, with parking/ferry. And Holbox is not "chill" during the holidays. The difference is maybe 45 minutes - 1 hour drive time difference, not exactly a deal breaker.
  10. Seriously? Go to Walmart/Target Buy same model controller Take home, carefully open, verify new controller works Put bad controller in new box, return for refund Also works literally anywhere else on earth that sells controllers and accepts returns.
  11. This. He can't make a movie without turning it into a flaming rainbow cabaret circus.
  12. You'll probably find some Horns here Expats in Monterrey | Facebook
  13. Where does this Bill Canyon guy live?
  14. The difference (AFAIK) is that Google Fi requires those 4 people to be on one account, with 1 person paying the bill. I tried to do this with 3 neighbors and it was a fucking pain in the ass. With Visible, you can hook up with 3 random people on Reddit and you all pay your individual bill.
  15. She was hot about 20 years ago. Today? No.
  16. Go fuck yourself, Jr. Hall Monitor. I'll keep posting whatever the fuck I want.
  17. We just had a 6.6 here, thought I was having a stroke for a minute
  18. Yep, those reviews are spot on. It's not terrible, but it's not great or all that funny.
  19. I had it for a year, canceled due to no service in Mexico. It's a good deal if you get in a 4 person group plan, $25 per month. Speed is Verizon good (until they throttle you for abuse).
  20. meh, color vs colour Maybe he's British
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