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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. I love Taos, been visiting there since I was a kid in the 80s, but you gotta drive to Santa Fe anytime you want something bigger/better than a shitty Walmart. Hard to live there unless you're a hippie or a rich asshole that sends the servants to SF for shopping.
  2. https://www.science.org/content/article/how-big-average-penis#:~:text=According to the team's analysis,inches) for an erect one.
  3. yes, there were several meh looking actresses in that show
  4. First saw her in Happy Town (decent ABC show in 2010 that was canceled). She looked just like a girl I dated for 3 years. I'm keeping hope alive that she'll show up in a future fappening release.
  5. Told the wife when we retire, we are doing the Lucy-Ricky thing with full size beds. That's not gonna help if you're married to a selfish bitch who lets her alarm go off 5-10 times every morning. My ex-wife did that shit. Got so fucking tired of it that I opened her alarm clock and cut one of the wires to the speaker. After she was late a few times and bitched about her alarm clock not going off, I went to Target and found some cheap alarm that had a vibrate feature.
  6. Separate. Bedrooms.
  7. wtf. Bourbon in Mexico? Why? You sound like the okies I see posting on Cozumel groups who ask about the best bars with white claw and miller lite on tap.
  8. The "meal combo coupon deals" used to be from employee suggestions, not sure if they still do that.
  9. You need to re-watch Raiders if you think it was a bunch of chase scenes with a little dialogue in between.
  10. Milan
  11. We were in Florence and Milan a few weeks ago. Jam packed with stupid oblivious people. I generally just found a small bar and let my girlfriend enjoy wandering through all that shit.
  12. Here's a decent explanation for the idiots that think this is all about lazy employees fucking around at home. My company just announced a RTO program that has literally pissed off 99% of their employees. Only 20% of the drones will be allowed FT remote. We've already lost one guy from my team who found a better FT remote job in a week. My boss may have to quit, since he bought a house 6 hours away from the nearest office during COVID, after he was assured remote work was here to stay and there were no plans for mandatory RTO.
  13. Chedraui - Shuh - Draw - Way
  14. You would love Costco Mexico: Must bring at least 5 family members with you, including an abuela in a wheelchair or walker Stop with entire family in every aisle to talk, make calls, breakdance, whatever you feel like doing, as long as it's stationary When actually pushing your cart, you must push it down the middle of the aisle so no one can get around you. Waiting in checkout lines (or any line) is optional. If the line is too long, just approach from the side and push your cart in front of anyone who leaves a 2 foot gap. Act surprised and horrified when other shoppers have the gall to tell you to go to the back of the line. You can also ignore them and pretend to take phone calls. When checking out, each family member should pay separately for various items in the cart. Pay with coins, but don't began looking for them in your bag until you have seen the total and argued about the price of at least 7 items.
  15. She is such a stupid cunt. She's a delusional narcissist that likes to think she's "helping".
  16. Yep. We were in Cozumel last week during the heat wave....the airbnb we were in had 2 old a/c's the probably work fine November - April, but couldn't keep any room below 82 in the summer. Had to fight with the owner and submit a claim to Airbnb to cancel; the owner acted like 82 is a great sleeping temperature.
  17. Thanks for giving us the scoop on a product that nobody wants, isn't made by HEB or sold at HEB in the "Shit HEB Makes" thread
  18. It's a ridiculous, laughable story. and 3 people went to 210' on AL80s...no nitrox, no trimix. No one was hurt. Sure.
  19. wut a beach dive kiosk? So 1975? 210 huh? Ok.
  20. meh, he taught her about guns, so it's a wash. Like I said, in Mexico, pretty girls don't do car maintenance, and most Mexican dads don't teach their daughters about cars. It's a very macho culture, and it's expected there will always be a man around to fix stuff.
  21. They took Dracula down in that POS...if I got into that giant propane tank and saw a Dracula grinning at me, I would be stabbing every mother fucker near me in the heart with a pencil
  22. What if it was a fitted jersey?
  23. If you can read and have any common sense, you can pass a MX state drivers license test (no actual driving involved). I have a Baja license I got by showing my passport and paying an "emergency expedited" fee of 500 pesos. The only question I had to answer was "What is your blood type?", which I made up.
  24. in Mexico, you don't have to take Drivers Ed or learn anything about a car before you get a license and start driving (if you even bother to get a license) She also thought a tire/wheel was all one thing; so if you got a flat, you had to go buy a new tire/wheel combo. Pretty girls in Mexico don't do car maintenance.
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