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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. We're just lucky they kept evolving from their last nightmare stage
  2. TikTok video or comments? Comments are 100% legit, I get all my stock tips there.
  3. I think we may need to recruit Juan Cabrillo and The Oregon
  4. We got into Prague pretty late, due to the shitty airline and 5 Uber drivers flaking on us. The only place close to our airbnb with an open kitchen was an Argentinian place....so we had "Mexican food" and burgers at an Argentinian place in Prague at midnight.
  5. We need one in Texas, preferably not at Hulen Mall again.
  6. We ate at La Barraca, I thought it was great. The Buñuelos de Bacalao were the best part. https://goo.gl/maps/tBnu1YaYSGPsiWDG6
  7. Any recs for good paella in Madrid? I'm happy with tapas, but she wants paella.
  8. Pitayas were 18 euros/kilo, about $7 USD each. PXL_20230616_091038236.mp4
  9. Madrid is fucking hot this weekend. Fuck this shit. My girlfriend wants to go exploring, I think I'm gonna drink cheap wine and watch movies with the airbnb a/c cranked up. From the sunset walk last night:
  10. We saw JS1 at the Milan train station today
  11. Finest beer in Italy. Dredged fresh from a Florentine sewer!
  12. View of Wengen from our Hotel Schonegg patio Hike down to Lauterbrunnen Kleine Scheidegg Llamas near Wengen Jungfraujoch glacier
  13. Just remember, if you the miss the cruise ship boarding cutoff at one of your stops, you HAVE to stay where you are and get a hotel. Tell your family that's international law and so forth.
  14. Above Wengen
  15. Quick drone video at First/Bachalpsee. I got very few decent videos due to the wind up there blowing my Mavic Mini all over the fucking place. DJI_0160.MP4 .
  16. Book a cruise with a first stop in Cozumel. Go to Buccanos. Drink, have fun on the beach, snorkel, etc. Accidentally "Forget" what time the cruise ship leaves. Stay in a nice hotel/airbnb for a few days. Fly home. You'll cut out the amount of time you have to be around cruise ship people by 80%.
  17. Are you in Austin? Wait a few years till your mid 40s and try to find a serious relationship online (and not a fucking hookup) with an Austin woman who: Isn't religious or "spiritual/horoscope/astrology" fixated Doesn't have any kids and/or isn't constantly fighting with their ex over some bullshit Isn't 100% batshit crazy....you want 50% crazy or less They may exist in Austin, but they're approaching unicorn status. I have friends in Austin who are late 40's - early 50s still searching and they're hating life. I lucked out meeting a young latina in Mexico who hates religion and has no kids or ex husbands. She's probably 75% crazy, but you can't have everything.
  18. One of the IT guys I mentioned in the remote work thread who come into the office to escape their families did something like this. He's a serious Japanime/hentai dork, met his wife online, convinced her to move to the US from Japan and got married. He has pics of her all over his desk and she's easily one of the Top 5 ugliest Japanese women I've ever seen.
  19. In actuality, the entire thing is jam packed with 900 chinese/indians hogging every inch of space because they absolutely have to document every second of their lives via selfie. The end point looks like this.....100 selfish assholes who spend 5 minutes each taking selfies, so you get to stand in line for an hour, even for just a quick photo.
  20. Using a VPN or an untrackable remote access device is not a big deal; there are literally tens of thousands of DN's doing it daily and it's been working for years. Your main issue would be a boss that wants face time or team building shit that requires you to be there physically (and an expensive flight)
  21. if you post on FB with your real name and info, you pretty much deserve to be busted anyway. My FB account has maybe 2 pieces of info that are actually true (identifies as male, went to UT Austin)
  22. These are the 2 biggest FB groups, they generally have good info
  23. Yep. Most of the nomads I have met traveling in Mexico and the EU are either freelancers who can do wtf they want wherever, or they just don't tell their employer where they work remotely from and only use VPN connections.
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