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  1. Minor (see what I did there) point of contention: Epstein was actually closely connected with Les Wexner, who is a huge donor to Ohio State. Epstein also was in the business of procuring underage girls to entrap powerful people for blackmail/political purposes. Sandusky and the Catholic priests SAd little boys for their own sick bullshit.
  2. I didnt understand until I moved here but geographically the Rose Bowl is basically in Frisco and UCLA is where TCU is. And LA is a basketball/baseball town
  3. If it's all going to education and the schools, shouldn't these SEC teams with rabid fanbases drawing 6-700k a season be more than glorified community colleges?
  4. Make it make sense that the Texas Longhorns and Dallas Mavericks have roughly the same attendance number for 7 home games vs 41. Probably roughly the same TV total viewership in 13 games vs 82. But the Mavs can pay Luka Doncic 60 million dollars a year without begging their fan club to chip in
  5. Where does all the money generated by the sport go? Bigtime programs like Texas probably clear 100 million a year in ticket sales. Then you get to TV/media rights and merchandise. Even a small but solid program like a TCU probably brings in 20 million at the box office alone. Why is it necessary for fans and boosters to come up with the money to pay players on top of all the money they make off us already? If an LSU or Oklahoma decides they can't pay players and are good with going 0 for SEC every year, that's gonna cost them money in ticket sales. Maybe they have to spend a little of that ticket money to keep the stadium full
  6. I remember when Fox first started broadcasting NFL football its pregame show was a little weirder and they would do a top 5 players of the Week every week and Al Del Greco was always number 1. My brother and I didnt know why that was funny, and I still don't. But we still laughed
  7. Good job giving him the attention he comes here for guys
  8. Wild timing for ISIS to make their US comeback just in time to provoke us into clearing their asses out of Syria so the Russians can have their port back
  9. If there wasn't a playoff imagine this Oregon team vs a 2 loss backup QB Georgia for the chip
  10. Its interesting that ESPN both A. Teamed with the NFL to put a game featuring the leagues biggest star Mahomes on Saturday directly in competition with the playoff games on TNT B. Have their top cfb talking head Herbstreit shit all over the new playoff system repeatedly It looks like ESPN is so invested in the mega conference system, in particular the SEC that they want the playoff to fail so the conference can set up its own postseason tournament
  11. That Nix bomb traveled 67 yards in the air and hit his receiver in stride
  12. Gbenda could sneak in there. Unlikely but possible
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