After a quick afternoon power snooze in the hotel, we headed out again.
We bellied up at Ostra right when their evening menu kicked in. Helobious probably hasn’t heard of it, but they soecialize in cooking random things that come out of the ocean. Some people may find the ocean and things that come from it boring, however.
We sipped some fantastic wine from some California guy named Orin Swift. Helobious might not have heard of that, but it’s liquid that come from a certain fruit, and well…I don’t really want to be boring by explaining the rest of it. Also, Orin may or may not be a boring guy, but he makes some good wine.
After that, we took another lovely stroll through the amazing weather. Nobody shot at us when we walked throught Travis Park, so I guess that might have been pretty boring.
We then spent the next 4 hours in front row seats at the Tobin Center. Helobious probably hasn’t heard of it, but it’s this huge box composed of stone, wood, and other materials. It fits a lot of people that like to gather and hear music. Helobious might not have heard of that either, but there’s a style of music that people play with bits of wood and wire. When they put electricity to the wood and bits of wire, it can get quite loud and aggressive. It would probably be boring for me to explain further.
Our seats weren’t boring at all because we had views of stuff in front of us. When things weren’t going on in front of us, we then discovered we could turn around and talk to people behind us. Some of them shared some of our experiences, and I got to discuss places that we all played at in the past, and it was a real bonding experience. Fortunately, before that got boring, stuff would happen in front of us again that we could view most adequately. That process kept up throughout the evening, which is good because, otherwise, it could have been boring.
Quite the contrary; my wife and I rocked our nuts off with all the other rowdy black t-shirt wearing motherfuckers there.
So…ya know…not TOO boring…