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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Kudos on posting this. I saw this on Friday and donated. Horns up!
  2. Mainstream Kublai Khan Huh? What? Damn, dude, I was just poking fun, but now I’m feeling bad because I think you’re either completely retarded or delusional right now. Or…are you 12?
  3. Helobious has probably never heard of this band, but San Antonio has, though. Clearly, the Alamo thinks highly of them, and doesn’t find them boring.
  4. Really? So…Saxon? Doesn’t mean much to you? Riot? Them either? Rush? Triumph? Killer Dwarfs? Legs Diamond? Judas Priest? How about SA Slayer? How about Presence? Your familiarity with the SA Metal scene seems lacking.
  5. After a quick afternoon power snooze in the hotel, we headed out again. We bellied up at Ostra right when their evening menu kicked in. Helobious probably hasn’t heard of it, but they soecialize in cooking random things that come out of the ocean. Some people may find the ocean and things that come from it boring, however. We sipped some fantastic wine from some California guy named Orin Swift. Helobious might not have heard of that, but it’s liquid that come from a certain fruit, and well…I don’t really want to be boring by explaining the rest of it. Also, Orin may or may not be a boring guy, but he makes some good wine. After that, we took another lovely stroll through the amazing weather. Nobody shot at us when we walked throught Travis Park, so I guess that might have been pretty boring. We then spent the next 4 hours in front row seats at the Tobin Center. Helobious probably hasn’t heard of it, but it’s this huge box composed of stone, wood, and other materials. It fits a lot of people that like to gather and hear music. Helobious might not have heard of that either, but there’s a style of music that people play with bits of wood and wire. When they put electricity to the wood and bits of wire, it can get quite loud and aggressive. It would probably be boring for me to explain further. Our seats weren’t boring at all because we had views of stuff in front of us. When things weren’t going on in front of us, we then discovered we could turn around and talk to people behind us. Some of them shared some of our experiences, and I got to discuss places that we all played at in the past, and it was a real bonding experience. Fortunately, before that got boring, stuff would happen in front of us again that we could view most adequately. That process kept up throughout the evening, which is good because, otherwise, it could have been boring. Quite the contrary; my wife and I rocked our nuts off with all the other rowdy black t-shirt wearing motherfuckers there. So…ya know…not TOO boring…
  6. Enjoyed 2 rounds of Jack & Cokes each on our short flight down. AA First Class service was pleasant, as always. Helobious may not have heard of First Class before, so the perception of it may sound boring to him, but I assure you it was likeable. Went straight from the airport to Blanco Cafe in the old neighborhood. I’m sure Helobious has never heard of that either, but they make this style of food that is quite classic to the area. 20 people standing outside waiting for a table, so we barged in, bellied up to the counter, and killed some Enchiladas and Puffy Tacos with the locals. Strangely enough, it wasn’t boring at all. Wandered the neighborhood to digest. Wandered into the local flea market and found a ton of old vinyl in amazing shape. Helobious may have never heard of it, but they used to make musical sounds cut into the round pieces of plastic that a lot of people don’t find boring at all, unless they live soulless, joyless lives. Onward to our suite at The Westin, thanks to my Bonvoy Ambassador wife. Decided to take a lap and ended up on the patio at Little Rhein (another place Helobious probably never heard of), nursing litres of Dunkel (it’s an amazing beverage invention called Bier that some people may not have heard of or even consider boring, but it was quite tasty), enjoying the exceptional weather, and watching the tourist-trade ramp up. Received excellent service and shot the shit with staff, a few locals, and tourists alike. The people were all friendly and fun. No one seemed bored, nor were they boring either. In summary, we haven’t gotten bored yet, but the day is young.
  7. A rowdy Friday night of classic Metal is an activity. In case you missed that. You probably wouldn't get it, much less survive it. My family is from there. Used to live there as a child and again later as an adult. I’m familiar with the “sights”. I’m going to rock, relax, and goof off. And try not to think about the fact that the music scene is so dead now, most everyone I knew there is dead, and all my favorite places no longer exist. So sorry if that’s boring to you.
  8. Old fart Metalhead here: Front row for Saxon / Riot / Lizzy Borden at the Tobin Center in San Antonio on Friday night. Flying in from Dallas for the show. Horns up, you heathens!
  9. Opinions on my itinerary: Flying in Friday at noon. Staying at Westin Riverwalk Prickly Pear Margs, Guac, and whatever at Boudro's. Maybe a Marg at Agave. Maybe a drink at Bar 414. Munchies...? (any suggestions?) Saxon (50th Anniversary) / Riot (50th Anniversary) / Lizzy Borden (42 years), front goddam row. Allocated Bourbon at Waxy's Profit Saturday Lunch at original Blanco Cafe Post-lunch coma (suggestions?) Beer at Little Rhein. Drinks at Ostra. Drinks at Otra Drinks at (downstairs) Esquire Sunday Leisurely breakfast at Schilo's Airport. Fuck you all.
  10. The Professor & The Madman
  11. Returning for a full week in August for the wife's 40th. Staying in Calistoga at Dr. Wilkinson's for the 2nd time. Flying in-and-out of Santa Rosa this time to cut down on the commute (last two times were arrivals in Oakland and Sacramento). Fuck all that driving. We are long-time members at Chateau Montelena, and they totally make us feel like high-rollin' mofos when we're there, so we will enjoy whatever perks, tastings, and lunches they wish to set up for us. Other plans include: La Sirena (also Barrett & Barrett), Joseph Cellars, Grgich Hills Estate, and Freemark Abbey. Quintessa is a possibility We will spend some time actually hiking some Redwoods and drinking beer in the Russian River Valley this time. We say that we will do it every time, but we never do. The only mandatory food stop is Mangia Mi in Calistoga, and that will probably be multiple times. Probably Regiis Ova and Bouchon at some point (did French Laundry last trip). That's all I got for now. Looking forward to it, though.
  12. My wife never saw her engagement ring coming. I proposed to her sitting on the same two barstools where we had met 2.5 years prior. We were the only two in the place then. But now there were 300 people, sports playing, and a dude warbling over his acoustic guitar. She did everything in her power to (unknowingly) prevent it. Worked late, didn’t wanna go out, didn’t wanna dress up; but I somehow guilted her into hustling up and heading out. Friends with cameras were lurking, the singer stopped, and a staff member walked by and dropped a wireless mic in the hand behind my back. Got up, dropped to one knee, and did it. That was December 2010. We were on the website for quite a while. It sucks that the place doesn’t exist anymore, but we still have the pics, some shirts, and a few koozies. We got married in June on the 3rd anniversary of the day we met. Freakin’ Juneteenth, too, so now our anniversary is a federal holiday. The place was Scuttlebutts on Padre Island, by the way.
  13. After irth

    2025 Drunk Thread

    I was drunk last night, so...checking in. Stayed up til 3 swilling bourbon with my best friend of 53 years. Feel shitty today, but...worth it! That's all I got.
  14. If there was ever a time that a username checked out...this is it. What a brilliant tale of woe, you poor bastard. Cheers!
  15. Are you not seeing the correlation?
  16. it was a very lovely story, and you tell it so well.
  17. Recent faves: El Camino Christmas (with Tim Allen) Last Christmas (with Emilia Clarke) Almost Christmas (with Danny Glover)
  18. I am remembering my home turf on this night... This was taken at my original homestead on the north shore of Corpus Christi Bay on Christmas morn of 2004. Was definitely a Christmas to remember.
  19. I feel ya. I'm married to a very hands-on Hospitalist / Medical Director. This is our 14th Christmas together, and only the 5th one where she hasn't worked. And only the 2nd one where we've forsaken all others (and travel) and just stayed home for us. Kinda geeking out over that. So...whether you are tending bar, tracking missles, dumping trash, arresting perps, or saving lives for evil dogshit healthcare institutions...good fuckin' on ya! Merry Christmas!
  20. We just wish we did... We also wish we had a Pound Town, but we don't have that either. Dammit.....
  21. Fuck Diboll. And motherFUCK Corrigan!
  22. Who you kidding? You can't carve roast beef...
  23. No abuelas in my hood. I asked the guys in front of 7-11, but they don't know shit about tamales. So...maybe I need a LESS sketchier part of town.
  24. For the Dallasites here, the Dallas Downtown Farmers Market is having their "Tamales Weekend" on the 15th-16th and then again 21st-22nd. First year here, so...this South Texas boy is hoping to score something halfway passable for my New Year-ing. Unless another Dallasonian has a better recommendation...?
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