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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Well, sure, but I had no idea it would improve my rib cooks. Gonna be a LOT more ribs going down now...!
  2. They look beautiful! What’s a rub dump?
  3. I’d be happy just to be in a bar overhearing anything right now.
  4. After irth

    Getting old sucks

    Colonscopy bright and early tomorrow morning. Nice way to enjoy my wife’s (no pics) 35th birthday. She gets to get up at 5am on her first day off in 8 days to drive me 30 miles to get probed. Clearly, we are living the dream! My view for the next 12 hours...
  5. That IS pretty stupid. That cost a lot more in packing and postage than the stupid hooks cost. As someone who shares your amazement at how the simplest of home projects can go awry, I feel that you've got to share more of this curtain saga.
  6. Do you tankless water heater, bro?
  7. I would hear of these wings you speak of.
  8. Something to look forward to! Anticipation can be a powerful aphrodisiac, ya know?
  9. Wife (no pics) has worked with Covid patients everyday, with limited PPE (meaning a lot of reusing), and...so far nothing. Ain’t no social distancing at home (wink wink, nudge nudge), but she does follow a certain protocol upon coming home. It’s gone through the out-patient personnel more than the hospital staff, although a few of her peers caught mild cases I have to assume we were exposed long ago, but who knows...? It’s a shitshow all around, it seems, with little rhyme and absolutely no reason.
  10. A mofo like me that goes to a shitload of concerts. I have about 200 black concert shirts in my closet. About 90% of them still fit.
  11. That's just the kinda bullshit that pisses me off, and also why I avoid Specs when possible.
  12. After irth

    Getting old sucks

    Much thanks for asking, Brat! Yes, after a trip to the PCP and the GI guy, a week's worth of antibiotics, quite a bit of fasting, and I'm feeling mostly normal again. Gonna get scoped next week just to make sure all is normal with my plumbing. And...I feel your pain, brother. My 82 year old Dad is full-time caregiver to my 75 year old Mom, to his own detriment at time. I try to make life as easy for them as I can, but I can't help but feel it has taken a drastic toll on his overall well-being. Take care of yourself as well...and try not to sweat the small stuff. Hopefully, some normalcy will be upon us all...eventually.
  13. Yep...had that in a house we lived in. The main unit in the living room had an AM/FM receiver that would play to the rest of the rooms (if you wished to turn them on) with pretty decent sound. My Dad cut an extra hole and wired in a Pioneer car cassette deck so we could have more options for tunes. Good times.
  14. Maybe just a bad angle on the photo, but it seem the past week has aged you terribly. Too much stress? Not enough restorative tent therapy? Kinda hungry for seafood now, though.
  15. Mission makes more athletic wear than sportsman stuff, I think. I’ve got 4 of their gaiters for being out-and-about. Good stuff.
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