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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Did I miss something here?
  2. No mosquitos in my southern Lufkin neighborhood. Spent most of Friday night nude tending the smoker on the back porch. Confidence pays off!
  3. And I am grateful for that shit, I tell you what... Although, bringing back some casual nudity would be a good thing. Buncha ball-bustin’ Pentecostals... Cheers from Lufkin!
  4. Happens in real life, too, quite a bit. That’s why I asked. Didn’t see it as a regular TV gag. Must not be watching the same shows.
  5. What’s wrong with this?
  6. That’s goddam fucking classy right there!
  7. If no one else is gonna say it, I will... Your mom.
  8. Was just there at the current Hoot County for the first time 5 nights ago at the recommendation of my BIL. Walked over from the Sheraton across the street. Fun place. Really varied crowd at midnight, but they all totally meshed. Had a blast. If I had only known to inquire about the Nipple Beer, dammit.
  9. The last weekend of Feb is Bourbon Classic. Seems to get bigger every year. Anyone here ever been?
  10. Regarding the EC and ER pricing: just goes to show the vagaries of different regions and their pricing based on availability, etc. This crazy market of brown liquor. So odd.
  11. Where I am, EC is most definitely in that price point. ER10, on the other hand, is not. I thought all your other pics were spot-on. I’m a BT fanboy as well. Not because of any loyalty, but only because I found that’s where my taste-buds led me most of the time once I started paying attention to producers, mash-bills, etc. Weller Special Reserve remains a personal favorite, and it has been since 1991. Not always readily available, but cheap when I do find it. I do love having Larceny around as a back-up. Other daily drinkers for me are Buffalo Trace and Evan Williams Single Barrel. I could probably be happy as hell to subsist on those 3-4 mentioned labels for the rest of time. My only variance being the accidental stumbling-upon a rare bottle “in the wild”. Was interested to hear what you like to drink based on your comment, but you’re probably the grump at the bar that everyone avoids. Cheers, though!
  12. Unbunch your panties. Just wanted to know what your preferences were. Sheesh.
  13. Just wanted to know what his “much better options for pretty much the same price” were.
  14. Such as... ? Care to elaborate?
  15. First time at Prohibition in Spring, TX. Incredibly reasonable place to sample and swill the ever-revolving menu of brown liquor. Shayla is cute as hell and actually gives a shit about the drinks she is slinging. Sorry...no pics. But...her Sazerac was quite lovely. The drink was good, too...
  16. Go to Toronto? Eat hotel food? And listen to a liquor rep talk about Pappy? That sounds fuckin’ terrible.....
  17. The tone seems one of manic inebriation. Quite strange, but excusable. I’ll allow it.
  18. I had my dates in outlook wrong. Leaving saturday. Are you sure?
  19. You haven’t been yet?
  20. Used to spend a week there every Spring for about 10 years. Last trip was Spring 2007. Haven't been back since. Gonna be there for a week the last week of October. Looking forward to it. Will be interesting to see if my old faves are still around.
  21. Agreement from Lufkin here. Goddam bible college is right across the street from me.
  22. Pearl supposedly did the generic beer for HEB back in the day.
  23. I dunno. WLW trumps the 12 by a mile to these taste buds. Both still exceptional, however W12 USED to be in my daily drinker category. Walk in to a store. Gonna buy some Weller. 12 is sitting there next to the WSR and the Antique. Gee...do I spend the extra $10 today? Those were my quandaries. Those were the days, right? And it wasn’t really THAT fucking long ago. Still bitter about it.
  24. Dead hooker?
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