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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. There would issues with either gluten, sodium, mitichlorians, the anti-christ, or something. I’m not even gonna bother. I appreciate the contribution, though.
  2. Thanksgiving is a holy day for me because I own the kitchen like some Iron Chef Ninja Warrior. I usually spend weeks planning, prepping, and cooking and everyone / anyone is invited cuz I love it. A relocation a few weeks ago finds us in an apartment while we wait on a house. Living situation is fairly primitive. Given the opportunity, I could still pull a Thanksgiving out of my ass, but..... The consensus is to visit my wife’s (no pics) 94 year old grandmother (also no pics) and hang out on the outskirts of Jacksonville, TX with random family there. The in-laws asked if I wanted to help plan the festivities, given my T-day proclivities. No thanks. Leave me out of it. We can’t cook. No one in the family has a properly working kitchen. Don’t get me started. We can’t go out. The olds don’t like to go out. And where the fuck you gonna go anyway? We can’t find catering. We don’t even have reliable options for heating shit up if we happened to actually bring stuff. So...what is there to plan? All I know is, I’m bringing a goddam flask to a Pentacostal family holiday. This Thanksgiving is gonna blow.
  3. This hits close to home. Cuz I went to TLC. Banged a lotta chicks there. All of them crazy. Good times, though. Did the same during my Grad work at UT. Also good times. Crazy grows on trees, ya know... Ah...I can smell it now.....
  4. This is an awful lotta angst over some fucking chicken. On all sides. I realize that The Surl will dissect every minute aspect of a topic. Rightfully so. However, this has got to win some award for being complete random bullshit. I love it. Who’s popping popcorn?
  5. You are clearly doing this thread right. But hey! Whoa! Slow down.....!
  6. For the record, it was Life. And yeah...was completely hammered. Whiskey-dick probably wouldn’t have cooperated anyway. Sorry for partying!
  7. Ok...that’s a slight improvement, to be sure.
  8. Agreed. And I always thought Corbett was funny in his role.
  9. Yeah. Doing that math gets awkward at times. My wife was 4 when I graduated HS.
  10. 8 fingers in to some Buffalo Trace. Putting on my favorite wind-down album. She catches me in the kitchen pouring a bowl of cereal. “The kittie wanted to make sure you were ok.” i have no idea how to respond to that, so I say “I have no idea how to respond to that.” “It’s ok,” she says, “he can come back with me.” At this point, I’ve peeked in the Master. The Cat is in his usual don’t-give-a-fuck spot at the foot. “Ok,” I say. Garfield French continues to play. Certainly not going to bed until Private Affair is done. And.....scene!
  11. So gay. And so cool. Just sayin. NTTAWWT.....
  12. Eh...that's KINDA on you... But...my sincere sympathies.
  13. This whole thread kinda titillates, then disappoints, then titillates again...but ultimately disappoints. Ay, caramba!
  14. Damn, man...you're a paranoid little flower, aren't ya...?
  15. Because that shit comes in a box. Nothing but low quality syrup. One of my old jobs, I had to maintain the fountain drinks in our main break room. First time being exposed to what a fountain drink actually was. So fucking cheap too which is why fast food and restaurants love to push drinks on you since the profit margin is huge on each drink. To be fair, you didn't really explain why some are shit and some are good. And now...I kinda wanna know, too...dammit!
  16. Pretty much would either way...just sayin...
  17. Gotta defend this one. Tacky...sure. Cheap and easy for someone who knows what they're doing...fuck yeah!
  18. I love this post! One sentence doesn't have jack shit to do with the other...or the next...brilliant!
  19. I really want the 10 minutes back I spent on this thread. No worthwhile pics, no juicy felonies...nothing! Just a bunch of heavy stroking about "how do I trust people?" Hide under the covers, Dorothy, it's a mean world out there. Ah well...at least it was more entertaining that dishwasher switch placements in the Stupid Wives thread. I can't dance to it, but I'll give it a "6"......
  20. Yes, but...who gives a fuck about them...?
  21. Ah...many fond memories of the Fish Soup, massive Fried Shrimp, and those insanely good Botana Platters.
  22. My go-to on my Pulled Pork: I mix up equal parts pickle juice and yellow mustard with a shot of hot sauce and drizzle just enough to make things moist while pulling and tossing.
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