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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Tommy Lee Jones was shitfaced one night and wouldn’t leave my best buddies little sis alone at a San Antonio Country Club event. Had to restrain my buddy from kicking some old man ass.
  2. I can see how your mind is bottled by this.
  3. Wow...now that just sounds...senseless and useless. Every day...? Damn.
  4. After irth

    Great Quotes

    You’re not much fun at parties...?
  5. Horrible Florida winters, huh? Cuz when I think of blistery cold endless winters, I think...Florida.
  6. Blues Kitchen in Camden (other locations as well). Legit food. Brown liquor out the wazoo... https://theblueskitchen.com/camden/
  7. Bravo for posting that brilliant piece of work. Well done, sir.
  8. When you bite into your special order of “smoked wings” and all you taste is lighter fluid. Not trivial, but...whatcha gonna do...?
  9. When you’re traveling ...and you’re in Palestine, TX, ... and you’ve already shown her the joys of the Best Western... and your wife says, “Let’s just take it easy tonight. Maybe tomorrow, we’ll go out.” A) you want more? B) you wanted it harder? C) your boyfriend in Palestine isn’t home, huh? D) show me a place that’s actually open tomorrow...and that’s where we’ll eat.
  10. Can’t figure out if the humblebrag game is strong or weak here. Will wait it out from my luxury suite at the DFW Sheraton...
  11. Not a Bock in sight. How many wives were over at your place? How much beer got poured down the sink? How many did not suck your dick? How disappointing were your BBQ fantasies...? Next time, serve Weller Bourbon, Shiner Bock, and/or Big Red. Tell everyone else to suck it.
  12. Learning the art of overcooking wings. Only in Michigan...where is BBQ is (evidently) king.
  13. City Limits BBQ in Crandall was a heavenly experience today. Tried everything and somehow had room for pie (yeah, yeah...I sound fat), and it was totally worth it. Nice portions, reasonable prices. Huge fan of the people, the clean establishment, and the food they are cranking out. Will go back and actually remember to take pics next time, dammit. http://www.citylimitsbarbecue.com/
  14. You sound like an ordeal to deal with on a regular basis.
  15. I dunno. If he’s got a big enough hard-on for dumpy houses, Orlando is the perfect sleeve to put in his Fleshlight-dream of slum-lordery and architectural masturbation.
  16. That is just a genius-in-action move right there. I salute your big balls, Sir!
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