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After irth

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Everything posted by After irth

  1. Had some kickass Chinese takeout the other night. I totally pigged out. Wife didn't eat all hers. I'm usually polite with eating someone's specific leftovers, at least for the first few days. My wife had mentioned, "Help yourself to the Chinese leftovers if you want them." Screwing around the house this morn, getting us ready to take off for a long weekend. Been thinkin' about that Chinese, man. Gonna crack a cold one and grub out for lunch with my feet up. Will be awesome. Grab a plate, go to the fridge, pull out the container, open it up. Has two bites in it. Two bites! What the hell? Ate the two bites while I tried to figure out what to have for lunch now...
  2. Agreed! Totally forgot about these. Had the whole fleet of these junkers.
  3. People would (no doubt) be impressed by 84 pictures of my dick.
  4. Bought a whole new bedroom set after remodeling our Master. My wife (no pics) is not high-maintenance at all. We’ve been in our place almost 3 years. Got the whole house the way we want it, gradually, within budget and at our leisure. The Master is the last room to see attention, so I am more than amenable to making the bedroom into what she envisioned. Painted the walls a few months back, put in some shelves. One closet got redone last year. Little fixes here and there. This weekend, went and bought new bed. New mattress (fucking awesome mattress). New sheets to match the new colors in the room. New Duvet on order (yes, I am comfortable with my masculinity and still know what a Duvet is). Yesterday. Everything is assembled. Put together. Reconfigurated. Cleaned. Dusted. Just the way we want. Got myself some nice fresh firm pillows to go with my new bed, mattress, sheets, etc. Gonna sleep like a mofo (we all know that mofos are well-known for their sleeping). This morn, I ask, “How did you sleep?” ”Eh...I could use a new pillow. I think mine is wearing out.” What chaps my ass in this? We have thought of nothing for the past four days about bedrooms and bedroom accessories, and she waits until now to remember that she might need a new pillow. So...the sucker that I am. I go to the store today, buy her the pillow she normally likes. As usual, I buy 2 so she has a backup. I get home. I go to put the extra pillow in her closet...and there’s already one there...from the last time I bought 2. Her response, “Well I don’t look up!” Currently trying to figure out who’s the bigger idiot. TL:DR — Just kill yourself now...you can’t win.
  5. Broke the seal this morn. Copious amounts of spicy smoked Chicken Tacos washed down with a more than acceptable amount of XX. Feeling the gurgle and getting a good Kegel workout as I make coffee this morn, feed the cat, and wait for my wife (no pics) to emerge from her morning routine. I usually hang out and see her out the door before starting my day. Kegels are strong as we briefly converse in the kitchen, but I can feel the seals failing. Dam burst is imminent. Do the clenched butt-cheek shuffle across the house to my favorite throne, pull down the shorts, and...whoo!...there’s some serious gooey skidmark action going on there. So much worse than I thought...damn. How did THAT get past me? A bit of unexpected laundry added to the agenda this morn. After I crack a cold Dos, that is...
  6. You were trying really hard not to own up the beans, huh?
  7. Catching one of the few Flotsam & Jetsam headlining shows in a few weeks. Gonna get my old-school Thrash on...
  8. Definitely capturing the spirit of the thread here. I’m thinking, “Why would you drink either?” You throw down with, “Why can’t I have both?” Well done, ya pink-beer drinkin’ nut!
  9. Larson never disappoints in his ability to explore and present so many little oddities in history. And yeah...soooo much going on in that one. All a bit mind-blowing.
  10. ‘Tis a serious time commitment there, my friend.
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