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  1. No bite marks. I don't like that way of testing. Usually, if I need something checked, I just take it to my local coin shop for them to look at it.
  2. Looking to sell my two tenth ounce Austrian Philharmonic coins. Most places out there are wanting a 10%-12% premium on tenth ounce gold right now. I'm only looking for 6%. Can sell each individually, or both at once. I unfortunately don't own one of those fancy gold checkers that coin shops have, just so y'all are aware, but I originally ordered these on SD Bullion, so they're legit. I don't mind if anyone wants to check em, themselves, though.
  3. I'll keep that in mind.
  4. Hmm, alright. Yea, I figured I probably should've raised somewhere in there. Like I said, I'm fairly out of practice, so I think a lot of my success was just running good. I'm still trying to work on specifically finding spots to try and get folds when I have a lot of equity even if I get called. Also, as a fun aside, that happened to be the second hand in a row I got those exact hole cards. Flopped the wheel and stacked a poor soul that flopped top and bottom pair.
  5. Got back into poker after a long time last night. work and trying to hassle my apartment for maintenance sucks. But I had a pretty good night, if a bit short. Bought in for $250 in 1/2, cashed out for slightly over $850 over 3 hours. That said, there's one hand that I'd like y'alls opinion on since I'm a bit out of practice. It's at the middle of the night 6 handed and I'm MP with 43ss. Button straddle 10, BB calls I call button checks. Flop Ks7s5x. BB $15 and button and I call. Turn is Ax. BB $20. So I have a double gutter and a flush draw. I don't really know much about my opponents other than BB is a bit loose, but generally not too wild, and BB has been playing a lot of hands, but a lot of them have been pretty strong aces and mid to high pocket pairs, but that's it. BB and I are both a little over $300 eff. with the button covering us both. what would you do here?
  6. Texas- 31 Wtf even are those helmets?- 27 I feel like the turtles are gonna be sneaky good this year, and it might take a game or two to get the defense going. Nevertheless, I think Texas pulls ahead with its improved offense for the close win. It ain't gonna be pretty, but a W is a W.
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