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  1. When my grandfather passed i was left everything with a Longhorn on it. This is one of the cooler items. Roughly 16” x 20”.
  2. We were in Center for a couple of years and it was terrible hunting. Arkansas has been much more enjoyable. Out of state license sucks but land prices are affordable.
  3. I hunt SW corner of Arkansas. 20 minutes east of Broken Bow Oklahoma, in the Ouchita mountains. He is 100% a target. Have until the end of February for bow season.
  4. I saw him in person during bow season and felt weird trying to explain how wide he was in camp.
  5. I go to Costco in Rockwall. This hits close to home.
  6. Remember when the brain trust in Indy went with Jeff Saturday?
  7. Thanksgiving died in my family a few years ago when an elderly uncle gave a couple of people shotguns. Had a cousin get really outraged over the "toys" being brought out during the holidays. I'd have preferred someone just get punched.
  8. But what is being referenced is literally 2 rule books. I don't even think that's what would be the biggest knock tho. Cleaning the streets for Xi will be a hard talking point that will rally the very people that just got rallied.
  9. My point is this should and could have been done. You saying they are running on it, when in power isn't moving goal posts. Just do it. Make marijuana safer than meth.
  10. There have been ample opportunities and both sides have doubled down incredibly in the past. Hell we even got national healthcare while still carrying this belief. Thats some scary shit. I'll believe it when i see it because i dont believe either side wants it legal. .
  11. Care to break out the federal schedule and show me this change? When did it reschedule? Can't believe i missed it and can't seem to find anything online. Your help will be appreciated.
  12. The vast majority that voted for trump think this way but the smartest and most compassionate don't see it. Both sides are pretty bad nowdays.
  13. And people want them in charge of health insurance.
  14. Can we truce over both major parties think marijuana is more dangerous than meth?
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