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Everything posted by Ragde

  1. I coach a couple of youth basketball teams and have had "mostly" good luck with parents and officials. Only have 1 tech and 1 dad jump a table to fight me in 10 seasons. They advertise over the PA during our varsity games the need for officials and the steps needed to become one.
  2. We hedged it by waiting for a color to hit 3 times then bet the other color.
  3. Now that the hunting thread is all but dead this is my new favorite Monday morning update.
  4. I'm sorry i broke the echo chamber. I'll stop replying now. Continue on with your normal programming.
  5. It's the middle that doesn't like it. Both ends do. The ends are going to vote how they're going to vote regardless. The middle is where you get the swing.
  6. How many people tried to get you to back down the dead name take? You lose people when you want both sides of the street for yourself but only see one lane for others. I have found a way to disagree with a lot on both sides. All i said was an often repeated line about the left can't meme and i'm unvaxxed and this board did what people have spent the better part of the last 4 years doing. I still altered my normal voting habits in spite of it. As you can tell, well others didn't.
  7. I work in the construction industry and this industry isn't afraid of covid. That's not a fix. I've had it 3 times. Caught the flu last year and my doctor literally told me id have been better off catching covid. I just didnt know men were subpar doctors until very recently.
  8. Yeah you missed by a mile. Sorry you tried to bait me for something i don't agree with. Now you're angle makes sense.
  9. First. Don't act like it doesn't exist or only exist on the "conservative corners of the internet". Second. Understand not all allies look like you, think like you and will have different viewpoints on some major items. A lot of the people with disagreeing voices felt spoke down to, by people like you, instead of understood on any level and they decided you were the machine. Body autonomy for abortion = good. To not take a vaccine after you'd had covid already once = bad. Theres nuance to this if you want to see it.
  10. That's not the machine they are rallying against. Its the one they rallied for.
  11. There is a reason i spoke directly to him each time. I don't know what the hell he's talking about. The left can't meme wasn't some small conservative corners of the internet unless one is calling social media small conservative corners of the internet. Maybe once he gets finished celebrating his breaking point of watching people suffer he will come back and let us know.
  12. I said the left cant meme is a thing for a reason. Aggy08 hit me with this: Yeah, that's not actually a thing anywhere outside the conservative corners of the internet. Conservatives thinking that they're the funny ones is always adorable. Conservatives are the ones who keep shows like Two and Half Men on the air for a billion years.
  13. You tell me if you're happy with the election and ill tell you if ignoring it was worse. I'm not thrilled so i'd have preferred the left had played the game a bit more than just deciding things were trending well and no way was trump going to get elected.
  14. That the little conservative corners of the internet you want to ignore just whipped the ever living shit out of the machine and its going to keep happening until people admit its real. You want to judge people for hitting their breaking points before you and act special because you just hit yours. Only one of us woke up surprised to the results of the election.
  15. Remember your "they don't exist" remark? You start by believing they do and you can grow from there. Trump wasn't the only one telling people what was going to happen. Everyone wants everyone to suffer for them not listening, yet most of you weren't listening either. The mirroring is weird.
  16. Yet you're still looking around wondering how we got here and i could see it coming for miles away. I typically vote 3rd party because they all suck, but actually didn't this time. From your tone i bet you wouldn't believe who i voted for either. The left will either learn to pay a little attention to those "conservative corners" or continue ignoring them and we all can just take the giant L. But hey at least some of yall can feel vindicated in behaving like the ones you so despise.
  17. It 100% would have made a difference. The right keeps talking and the left keeps thinking they know better. The left wanted to save the world and in turn lost everything. The left can't meme was a thing for a reason. It's the way so many on here talk. They are so angry that it didn't go their way they are now celebrating becoming what they hate. It's fascinating to watch in real time. I never got vaxxed. I've had covid 3 times. If given the choice between covid and the flu im picking covid every time.
  18. Saying that out loud got my employer sued. Not my proudest moment of working here.
  19. It's marked down so i'm guessing not very many.
  20. Dallas snow is last week. Houston has it this week.
  21. I've seen other descriptions and none work this well.
  22. You're being told it is. You're choosing to ignore it. Just be good with the fact that you aren't better than the people you keep trying to tell us you are.
  23. They put a 70 piece on us behind that o line last season. #community
  24. Because the people only ACT like they care a good deal of the time. Some of the most self righteous on here can't be bothered to treat even "their" side amicably today. Good on you for trying multiple times tho.
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