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Everything posted by Ragde

  1. It's lumber company land. Not sure if anyone has heard from them yet. We had 4 game wardens come to this campsite and to a man they all said they knew this camp was out here, but they weren't sure where. Then they all dropped pins. The drug task force came out as well. Turns out exploding campers deep in the woods aren't always so easily explained.
  2. Worst part is this is an old, retired guy that basically moves into this camper on muzzle loader opener and goes home at the end of deer season which in Arkansas is end of February. He lost almost all of his clothes, blankets, towels, kitchen / bath stuff.... Couple of us are trying to get a list of things to help replace it. He's got some pretty rough spots but says the pain is getting better every day. He is one of those just in general tough ass old Arkansas mountain guys.
  3. Went to my new lease in Arkansas for muzzle loader opener this weekend. Had a gentleman on the lease who had a gas leak in his camper. Long story short check you equipment and get a fire extinguisher. This could have gone really bad. 1 person with minor burns and a 1 with some a bit more serious.
  4. Maybe Quinn can get them to bring back the watermelon flavor.
  5. He’s a good vet and my animals love it there. He’s just an aggy through and through. I work in commercial construction. If every aggy I crossed paths with got under my skin with their weirdness I’d be miserable.
  6. I have an aggy vet and a schitzu named Bevo. His office won’t call him Bevo. They call him Scout even when talking to us. It confused the hell out of us the first time they called and told us our Scout was ready to come home.
  7. Someone once said she looks like she was born with her umbilical cord around her neck and I can’t unsee it.
  8. Nobody is stopping YOU from dropping bags we’re just asking YOU to kindly shut the fuck up for a bit.
  9. If you're going to have takes this dumb at least have the Burnt Ends flair to make them more tolerable.
  10. Which scheme would you have used to make Brockermeyer shine?
  11. Yall are divorced. This should be an easy rule to follow.
  12. Nolan Ryan only received 99% of 1st ballot hof votes. People have done dumber things.
  13. All the money in the world and Tom Herman still doesn't get Ewers or Arch.
  14. I am on a lease in Arkansas this year where bear hunting is legal. I want to shoot 1 to have the meat, the lard, and the trophy. If i do not like the meat / lard i wont shoot a second. I don't see them the same as a lion or elephant.
  15. I have 2 copies because for some unknown reason my 10 year old xbox just decides from time to time its tired of one of them and wont play it. Cant wait for the new game.
  16. Coors Light is still my driving beer.
  17. These were the exact video starlets the mom and i watched before making magic.
  18. This latest odd turn of conversation hits close to home. One kid in school to be a nurse and one in school to be a teacher.
  19. Is it too soon for a petition?
  20. I met her at the Dallas porn convention a few years back. She signed my movie and misspelled enjoy. #notsureifhumblebrag
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