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Everything posted by Litig8r

  1. Litig8r

    #5 really hurt

    Some Richard Cranium, broke into my office and #1. Took a shit and didn't wipe or flush #2. Put one of my guitars in its case and moved it to the back door/ #3. Loaded up some cheap scotch in briefcase and moved it to the back door, #4. Took a laptop #5 Took my Reckless Kelly autographed fiddle.. #6. Took an etched bottle of gentleman jack.
  2. TROOF
  3. Ray Wylie Hubbard show front row seats and hear this song When I was a young manAbout 21 years old y'allAll I wanted was a stripper girlfriendAnd a Gold Top Les PaulBe careful of the things you wish forYou might get 'emThere was a night club in DallasCalled Mother BluesIt's where Lightning Hopkins playedAnd Freddy King even payed some duesAll the dealers and gamblersAnd young white hipsters, they all made the sceneThe girl at the door who checked ID'sWas just 16Aw, it was not a place for law biding citizensJackie Jones he had 'em a habit, he just couldn't stopAaid give me 500 dollarsAnd I'll sell you my Les Paul God TopI drove my daddy's car down to Ross AvenueAnd I sold itI guess I should have told himHe eluded to the police someone stole it It was just the first of many bad decisionsI was to make for the next 20 yearsOh, but I had me a guitarEverybody knowsThat the real nightlifeBegins after the clubs closeWhat they call after hoursIt's 2 a.m. and everybody's goneBut the band, the dealers and Jack JonesAnd then the girls from the landing strip club come overAfter they put their clothes back onSo I'm at Ma Blues and I'm sitting on an ampI'm playing "Twist and Shout"And this tall drink of water walks inLike she might have to shoot her way outShe come up to me and she said"You know anything good on that guitar?"I didn't say nothing, I just kept on playingShe said, "Have you ever heard this songCalled Polk Salad Annie?" I just kept playingShe said, "Every time I hear that songMy insides feel like warm butterAnd I just wanna take off my clothesAnd dance around in my underwear" I said, "Down in LouisianaWhere the alligator grow so mean"That's all I knew of it and it was enoughSo we hit it off, me and this dancerWe hit it off like a metaphorLike a metaphor for a hydrogen bombWe was enriched uranium, super critical massWe was a chain reaction, it was love and lustAw, mostly lust but a mutual attractionSo there I was boys at 21 years old, I had it allI had a fine stripper girlfriend and a Gold Top Les PaulAw, the future, it looked promisingOh but there were dark clouds on the horizonShe was a beautiful girlBut she liked to drink Tequila and that ain't allI come home 4 or 5 timesAnd she pawned my Les PaulWe broke up and she went to HollywoodShe married an actorShe got a job dancing on the Hudson Brothers TV showAnd modern lipstick from Max FactorI got over her, I'm glad she done alrightI'm glad she done alright, oh yes, I am Well now me, I never busted through the gatesInto the big time as a rock and roll starFor 40 years I just carried around an old Gold Top guitarBut love and fate are mysterious thingsIn this funky old worldIt was 20 years ago I ended up marryingThat Mother Blues door girlWe had us a boy, he's 18 years old now, he's playing guitarHe ended up with that Les Paul Gold Top, yes, he didNow I don't know if he's gonna hang his life on it or notBut I'm very grateful for the time I get to share the stage with himI'm grateful for the time I get to play with musiciansLike George Reiff and Rick RichardsI'm grateful that I get to write these old songsAnd travel around the world and play them for peopleAnd they come out and hear me playAnd the days that I keep my gratitudeHigher than my expectationsWell, I have really good days
  4. Litig8r


  5. Litig8r


    Same reason Tx plays ou in Dallas. Tradition.
  6. Litig8r


  7. I was in a store buying a roadie and the clerk said, "wait sir we have to put that in a bag". Another customer who apparently was just hanging out said, "that's the stupidest law since ten, twenty, life".
  8. agree on the power windows..
  9. https://youtu.be/IVZ0B4iDS8w
  10. Our w‌‌hole f‌‌amily i‌‌s r‌‌eally w‌‌orried a‌‌bout m‌‌y g‌‌randfather’s V‌‌iagra a‌‌ddiction. Grandma i‌‌s t‌‌aking i‌‌t p‌‌articularly h‌‌ard.
  11. mine locked up this morning. First covey I've seen in 40 years
  12. Litig8r


    I don't buy really expensive wine from them. There is typically a good description with each wine like the fill level label condition. I wouldn't buy a first growth Bordeaux with it or a fine Montrachet/Burgundy...
  13. Litig8r


    My house burned down about 7 years ago. I had a small but nice wine collection including a 100 point port that was 20 years old. I was holding for another 10 years. Of course I lost all that shit. I changed by deal, instead of buying wine to age, I buy aged wine. I find by using Vinfolio, Cellar Radiers and Wine Bid, I can get vintage wine frequently at less than current vintage prices.
  14. Litig8r


    Let me get back to my rat killin..aka back to work "I ain't going to heaven on a belly full of lettuce"
  15. I don't think there is a flavoring that can penetrate the casing of Vienna sausage. The flavors just flavor the grease juice.
  16. Block or charge?
  17. It is amazing how many threads this show pulled together for me. Also I'm amazed how many different music worm holes it sent me down. Here was one I posted on facebook on my birthday I saw the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band at Rip Hewes field in Dothan Alabama in 1974. It was the first concert I ever went to. All I really knew was they sang "Mr. Bojangles". Todd Snider really filled me in on the history of that song and I sort of forgot about the NGDB. On the episode I watched last night (it mainly focused on Willie and Waylon) they had a segment on NGDB three disc album, "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" and what a classic all-time all-star recording it was. This morning I listened to parts of the recording on Itunes and the first song I listened to was "Tennessee Stud" which featured Doc Watson. Doc Watson played in Marianna in the late 70s at the Sand Hills Blue grass festival which I attended. So that tied some things together. The NGDB Circle album was a lot of live recordings and in the into to Tennessee Stud, there is a call out from one the musicians that repeats a line from the song “I whipped her brother and I whipped her pa”. I have been a fan of John Craigie and did a show for him in Marianna (my hometown in the Florida Panhandle. One of his songs which turned me on to his unique songwriting was “Michael Collins” which tells the story of the Apollo 11 landing from the perspective of the one guy on the mission who didn’t get to land on the moon”. In the intro to Michael Collins/out take to Tumbling Dice, there is a shout out from one of the musicians that is exactly the same as the call out as the NGDB record. Craigie responds with, “Nice Call Out.” I now see what a great call out it was!. Thanks for Birthday Wishes. Give yourself a present and watch Ken Burn’s Country Music.
  18. If you want to see the best beaches in Florida, want to see John Prine, Todd Snider, Grayson Capps, John Fullbright, Paul Thorn, Elizabeth Cook, Shawn Mullins, Will Kimbrough, and ton more cool musicians, most in small venues https://30asongwritersfestival.com/
  19. The lean man from alabam
  20. Heard from some other sources that it is bitch to get tickets. You have to call and hope you get through before it sells out. Oh well...
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