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Everything posted by Litig8r

  1. Having tried to climb Rainier twice without success, be sure you have your Wheaties before heading up to Muir and know how to get up and more importantly how to get down. The real danger on Rainier is above Muir but if you get off the slog up to Muir and make a wrong turn it can be trouble. It isn't like you can see the trail all the way from Paradise to Muir. I guess I really didn't look around much I just followed the boots in front of me until we got close. The first time I tried the climb, we had snow pack from the bottom all the way. The second time the snow started about after an hour climb. The weather changes real quickly so be prepared. Have fun
  2. no reservations at Mi Cocina and Javier's can't seat a party of 8 until 9 pm...grr
  3. I must say the Monkey Bar aspect of Mi Cocina has me in a toss up with Javiers...
  4. OK..how about straight Tex-Mex. I like the look of the menu at Javiers as it is very different that places I have been. It is not 5 star priced, at least to me. We are going to Rodeo goat for burgers likely on Saturday.
  5. looks like Javier for dinner! Maybe Maso since it is much closer to where we are staying will check on Nova for brunch thanks Horns!
  6. Might as well though in a Sunday Brunch place...
  7. Hope to get one for father's day or a Gibson j-45 Custom of KTM-150! ( a man can dream can't he) I will buy one of those three if the fam doesn't come through.
  8. A group of ten of us are coming to Dallas for the Eagles Concert next Saturday. We are staying downtown. Thursday night we are going to Deep Ellum for drinks/apps. Need a rec for Friday night dinner. Looking for a place with upscale Tex/Mex or a place with good food and good music. I've been to the Rustic a couple of times. Last time it smelled like there was leaking sewer pipe. Liked the vibe but not the smell. Thanks
  9. Jason Eady and Courtney Patton in Switzerland...somebody has to do it.
  10. I have not found an acoustic guitar that has the sound of Jumbo Gibson. If you know of one that has that deep bass response and cost less, let me know. I have a Epi Masterbilt that is close but not totally there. I really want a J-45 Custom.
  11. All you need to know is right here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PWqoq4UQtQc
  12. https://youtu.be/gHJiuFfluEQ tumbling dice by John Craige... I am huge John Craigie fan
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