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Everything posted by Litig8r

  1. Redirected post Good morning you filthy animals. Thanks for beat down November 11. In order to ease the pain, I was thinking about going to Alps to ski this season. I really would prefer French Alps but I'm open to most places in the French/Swiss/Italian alps. What is the easiest area to get to. I assume there are no places super close to airports like Deer Valley and Summit County. TIA. Hope y'all win out.
  2. Good morning you filthy animals. Thanks for beat down November 11. In order to ease the pain, I was thinking about going to Alps to ski this season. I really would prefer French Alps but I'm open to most places in the French/Swiss/Italian alps. What is the easiest area to get to. I assume there are no places super close to airports like Deer Valley and Summit County. TIA. Hope y'all win out.
  3. UF 20 Utx 10 yrds for uf 364
  4. Iykyk
  5. try here
  6. Bern's about to get fucked up. There is a restaurant on Miami Beach called the Forge. It made the top two or three in Wine Spectators great steakhouses. I went there after hurricane Andrew. WS said be sure to ask for the reserve list. We asked for the reserve list and while I was reviewing it, some dude with a French accent came up and took the list from me and said "you can order nothing from this list" and walked off. I was like WTF and the waiter explained they had a huge insurance claim for wine after the hurricane. The restaurant said the wine was damaged and the insurance company said prove it. The only way to prove it was to open it, but the insurance company wouldn't pay for the opened wine. I wrote a letter to WS and I got a return letter from Marvin Shanken and a phone call from him. I explained to him what happened and he said he contacted the owner of the Forge and the owner wanted to talk to me. I called the owner Al Malnik, who graciously said the next time I was in, he wanted to buy me a glass of wine... I was like what about that $1000 meal I just had...
  7. my sort of KK story. My former law partner's father was Fred Carter. He was a famous Nashville session writer and wrote and played the intro to the S & G's the Boxer. He said there were always musicians hanging around. He said when he was little kid this hippy dude who didn't bath often slept on their couch for a couple of months until his mother ran him out. Yep it was KK.
  8. Just bought tickets for the Drive By Truckers at the Orange Peel in Asheville, NC.
  9. I fucking love sad songs. IDK if anyone does them better and more consistently than American Aquarium.
  10. Long Story but sounds like Warren Zevon.. A music idol of mine who was a total douche about giving an interview to friend of mine. Seems like my buddy didn't PRAISE his latest release enough. There was cursing, equipment throwing, and a simple fuck no he won't talk to you at the end. Zevon was wearing those scrunchy toes Reebok aerobic shoes anyway. Bout at size 6..
  11. https://www.gibsonssteakhouse.com/
  12. Litig8r

    Getting old sucks

    If you can find something that fits this topic better than this, let me know The only time I ever saw my father cry Daytona 01, the day that Senior died It's safe to say that was the day that he finally saw That no star burns forever, eventually they must fall Raise hell, praise dale, death is coming for us all
  13. Wait for the wheel
  14. I remember that. He lived about 40 miles away.
  15. The dessert room is a marketing wonder. It works like this... you enjoy your $$$ meal and wine downstairs, pay the check and then go upstairs to the dessert room. It makes you feel like you are on new money..
  16. Had a couple of lesson in ATL with a coach who also coaches Danny Wuerffel. Lessons were very helpful. I wish there was a good place nearby.
  17. It's a hike to Tampa and you have make reservation way in advance BERNS Steakhouse. 500,000 bottle wine cellar. The reservations can (must be) made 60 days in advance, but you must do it on the first day it is available. https://bernssteakhouse.com/ Agree on the Dali
  18. 100% would recommend Cabo Del Sol
  19. Assistant at BD! That got my attention...
  20. guess they were worried about pooping on the course.
  21. So the TDF finishes in Nice this year? Well that's nice
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