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Everything posted by UT_OB1

  1. Round 2 here we go. Didn’t get out of the plant in time. Completely soaked.
  2. Got that bay moisture rolling in. Already got 0.25”
  3. The 3 stations surrounding our house averaged 0.65, and that feels about right. Probably going to have to mow tomorrow now.
  4. Yep. Hopefully get to that this week. Need to add blocking for the studs too. Have a wall and ridge to put in. I also keep looking at it and thinking I should put some trim here and there and caulk the shit out of this or that, then I remember that 99/100 times I’m going to be the only one that closes the door(not yet installed)
  5. Building a small 6x8 shed in our backyard to clear some of the shit out of our garage - mostly the bikes. Nit an expert at this, but have poured a pad, framed it, and got some of the sides and roof up. Have a small dip in the middle of the pad that I’ll need to fill in.
  6. We’ve actually got a pretty solid drizzle here in La Porte / seabrook with some wind. Feels pretty good Eta - we’ve upgraded to a pretty heavy rain
  7. About a week ago we had rain forecast for part of Sunday and then most of Monday and Tuesday. Then it reduced to just today and Tuesday but still all day. Then just today, but for the whole day. When I woke up this morning it was supposed to be raining by now per the forecast, but now it has changed to just 3 hours of chances starting at noon.
  8. Cousin? Damn. There is a non zero chance we are related.
  9. You mean a whole 1 lb package at once? Does that really work? Do you even separate it?
  10. UT_OB1

    Getting old sucks

    I know we have some doctors around here @Sawbonz Can anyone tell me what the hell this means? Seems to say that the disc bulging seem in the imaging can’t explain the excruciating, crippling pain. Am I seeing the wrong type of doctor?
  11. So was episode 1 Sabine vs non blinker the first female v female live action light saber duel? Sabine actress seems to have the fitness and athleticism to make for some interesting fight scenes
  12. They said s3 of mando was about 2 years after s2. The episode with Ahsoka and Luke was in the book of boba though, so I’m assuming it was very soon after their very first meeting. Knowing that these shows are on collision course for an Avengers like team up movie, I’m assuming this is happening right around when s3 does. Also assuming Thrawn is going to make it out and be the Thanos
  13. Vadar wasn’t around in clone wars. He showed up in a slight flash forward at the very end of clone wars. Clone wars ends at the end of episode 3, roughly the same time Luke and Leia are born. Rebels occurs in the few years leading up to episode 4. This occurs approximately 5-7 years after RotJ. Clearly after season 2 of Mandalorian, and I’m guessing concurrent with S3.
  14. It’s good. If you didn’t line mandalorian just move along though.
  15. Just rewatched ep 1 and 2 so the wife could catch up with us. The music really is top tier. Ahsokas theme is right up there after Luke, leia, and the imperial march
  16. UT_OB1

    Getting old sucks

    Any very good back doctors in the se houston area? Mine is leaving. I’m not sure he was that great. My injection hasn’t helped since i RE-agitated it. I’m at the point of wanting to discuss surgery on the disc. The crazy thing is the mri report doesn’t make it sound that bad, but it is really fucking up my life.
  17. No rain but a shit to if wind i Seabrook / La Porte. Expecting my tree to come down
  18. I’d take 5.99. Getting close to ReFi-ing that fixer upper i bought 2 years ago. Even though rates were really low I still calculated the rent vs mortgage at 5.75. I didn’t calculate for 8%
  19. If one were to predict - when are we going to see 5s again?
  20. I wish they’d been able to get the same actress back for queen (? - aunt of aethewoldwhats his name) because I felt like the character chemistry with uthred was strong. I enjoyed it. I think it is the end. Uthred is in Valhalla with brida and their father. Destiny is all.
  21. It was. And now I haz sad
  22. Literally melt down. Servers will be destroyed. Fire departments will have busy night. The whole internet may come down
  23. I know my car thermometer isn’t calibrated to be the outside temperature, but it does give me a consistent number to compare other days too. During this wave it usually 106-108 when I get in the car and cools down to 98-103 while I’m driving. Well yesterday it was 117 when I got in and only cooled off to 107. My 7-10 day out look shows mid 90s for the highs and lows that start with a 7. Fall is here!
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