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Everything posted by UT_OB1

  1. It is dumb that we spend even one brain cell thinking about these…but just because you have no bills doesn’t mean no debt, so I assume your credit score is going to shit and you won’t be able to get loan after a month.
  2. Civ6 for 2.99. Might get a couple copies for my kids
  3. Jfc. That was a good episode.
  4. Which one? They are all listed in the articles I read.
  5. 1) it looks like this is getting some attention based on the googling i did. So that is good. How the one that clearly raped her as 15 year old isn’t in jail is amazing 2) she was introduced to the cop in the Explorers program, and due to investigations here they’ve uncovered 150+ other allegations that were ignored. Again, at least getting some attention now and to really bring it home… 3) The explorers program was started by? You guessed it Albert Einstein the Boy Scouts
  6. UT_OB1


    Yeah was very good. Pretty solid voice actresses. I think, as it feels like with all things recently, a big problem is s1 came out in 2021, and here we are half way through 2024 waiting for s2. Don’t know if that’s covid, writer strike, or combo, but that’s just too long between seasons.
  7. The one the AI made up?
  8. Jfc. lol “these hos” that was amazing
  9. Or throwing a mag light through the window of the car after guy runs off a your money.
  10. There’s an eagle spit girl now too?
  11. I’ve had a bottle of Gatorade and one of water since 5pm. Peed just before I got in to bed. Been 25 minutes. I have to pee again. I can’t comprehend how he’s not peeing on the seat in front of him.
  12. Wow. Thanks. Didn’t realize all that was involved.
  13. So what does a stand in do, or why are they there? Is a body double different ? Are these like stuntmen?
  14. I feel like i stumbled into the Don Quixote thread.
  15. I know we shit all over the rate of road construction (mostly rightfully so), but y’all do realize Rita was 20 fucking years ago, right? There has been a shit ton of road expansion since then. Ike was only a few years later and it was a relatively easy evacuation primarily just due to better logistics/planning/messaging.
  16. UT_OB1

    Dragon Age

    Tactics were pretty much gone after Origins. Inquisitor was massive, but it was a step down for me compared to even DA2.
  17. Lol i like how they made the valve on the right useless. I’d turn the water off for peace of mind.
  18. Dr Pepper cream soda zero is my new favorite drink
  19. I just caught up on this thread from about December thinking the whole time I was on the GxK thread and wondering wtf, there were human characters? Looks like I need to see this movie.
  20. *spit take* ho lee fuk. I avoid most spoilers so didn’t know she was in it. L o fucking L. Talk about bad luck as far as timing goes for the storyline. Sam version of Cap may be cursed between vaccine plot line and this. Watch out if the next sequel involves nuclear Armageddon.
  21. Eh. Says it was less days of reshoots than the other recent movies. Maybe the original villain was a kang variant 😁
  22. Is marathon still hiring?..
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