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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. i just want to win, even if it’s by 1 point. we must win the last big12 championship. that’s all that matters to me. keep the dream alive
  2. i mean, have you watched how backups tend to play against us?
  3. it’s so frustrating. why? why does this keep happening? as op said, first was orlando and now this. we should have kept ash..
  4. but can he complete passes to wide open receivers 3–12 yards away? if so, we are fucked
  5. if any badass qb would end up staying for his senior year it would be Arch. Mannings always talk about how important college is for not only development, but branding.
  6. people said the same thing about UH….
  7. ags doing the lords work in knoxville..
  8. hmm well that game didn’t turn out so well. i’m also blanking on why we lost. which tends to happen. i block those games out. how’d he look?
  9. haven’t watched a single UH game? is their qb mobile and throws an accurate short and midrange pass? if not. we cover easily. if so, we get a sarkles special and hope to pull away in the fourth
  10. whoever winning helps Texas be it against teams ranked ahead of Texas be it against teams in a higher conference standing be it against recruiting rivals
  11. well that’s a disaster
  12. more is coming out about this 40 dead babies were found in one small area. babies, not kids, not teenagers, fucking babies. many were decapitated. all in a single small village with a population of under800 people. i can’t even comprehend this. i guess they raided a daycare? it’s beyond the worst of narcos. did the nazis even behead babies?? i’m going to throw up
  13. if sarkles loses three games this year with this scheduled he needs to be fired. simple as that how much is left on the contract? i have a feeling his agent will start trying to get it extended. no extension unless he wins the big12
  14. seriously, what had sark done to make you think we can win out? we play down to our competition every other game
  15. this actually doesn’t piss me off, i understand the logic of what he was trying to do we played a backup qb who couldn’t complete a forward pass
  16. look, it fucking sucks people lost their land 90 years ago. it truly does. but it comes a point where for the betterment of their own society they need to move on. i bet gaza and the west bank would be a much better place to live now if a true peace treaty had happened in the 80s..
  17. this. people drank too much coolaid. this is a possibly decent to good team, but not world beaters. people glossed over a lot of major red flags just fucking sucks OU is already better than us in year 2 under their new coach.
  18. they were all over twitter and some of the more obscure subreddits durning and the hours right after the raid
  19. so what exactly in our last decade of football (or sarks entire history) makes you all think we will go undefeated the remainder of the schedule?
  20. if our undefeated arch rival didn’t have our attention earlier, things are truly fucked..
  21. bob stoops vs “just have fun” mack 2.0 i fear
  22. isn’t that what we said about Ou?
  23. now that’s a sign of a good coach
  24. and yet the turnovers that lost the game…
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