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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. hopefully i’m not annoying y’all, but here is an update. front bedroom/nursery finally getting siding. new master bathroom is finally fully plumbed. testing out the new color. looks good imo
  2. i wish we just had a simple sales / income tax combo.
  3. horrible. lake of trees and the massive driveway just makes it even worse.
  4. rear addition (new master bathroom) siding now up. we reused the original cypress where was possible and new cedar where needed. we also reused all the original windows the front addition (nursery) is next. should be finished with rough end plumbing and electrical monday. cool fact. the masonry structure we are partially building on top of is the old icehouse (eventually going to be a walk in wine “box”).
  5. tongue and groove Ipe arrived for the porch. 🤤🤤🤤
  6. it sorta is? i’m not sure of the exact term. they only go up there to put the external stuff up, which is light weight. the beam being replaced was under the first level. so it was ground level. they added jacks and a temporary pier/beam setup before removing the rotten wood i just put them aside for now. i sent a picture to my archeologist brother who’s says they are probably from a pig or cow. that said Durst lived 2 blocks down the street. lol. more pics from these last few weeks. space between first and second floor we opened up. hoped to find treasure, but instead found some old abandoned (unused) wiring and what looks to be an old gas line (house had gas lighting back in the day - also no longer used) adding a new roofline above the future nursery / kids bedroom. these are from a few weeks roof is 100% up now
  7. found some old bones while digging new piers. bonus pictures of the old rotten beam being replaced (the old package unit AC against it was leaking, causing excess moisture). We replaced the beam and added new cement piers. this was all a circa 1920s addition that we are building half of our new addition on top of
  8. i agree somewhat. i just hate that so many texas cities are losing their architectural character. oh well. it’s just my personality. there is a reason i moved from austin to old town Galveston.
  9. preservation rarely gives a fuck about current business. it’s all about the structure. who cares about the bear. it’s the building that might get torn down.
  10. ummm that building was not built in 2020. lol. what planet are you living on??
  11. yep. i’ve noticed trees all over the state looking sickly post winter apocalypse. hopefully most recover, but the drought isn’t helping.
  12. ugghhshahhahaahHxgzisbzukxhOxhaoxbduvuskxbskzhianahcsjzbhdiasj still makes me rage.
  13. sucks. hope we drop out of the top 10. dumbasses need a wake up
  14. that looks to be a cool building. home it’s saved. we are destroying too much history as it is.
  15. ugh. i had to turn it off. descriptions made me sick.
  16. woah. those buildings on 6th aren’t historically protected? that blows my mind that they can be torn down.
  17. ugh. how large is this expected to get?
  18. awesome. bet it was exciting to see live. everyone there was able to see history broken.
  19. if hunter did shit let him burn. idgaf. investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of law. ditto with all politicians, family members, and corporate leaders.
  20. the structure is mostly finished. going to start plumbing tomorrow and electrical this weekend. i’ll post some pics this weekend. very pleased with the work so far. i’m amazed by the condition of all the wood. was really worried that we were going to open up a huge termite nest lol.
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