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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. 995ers who were paying card for access
  2. That’s dubbed in right? No way that’s real.
  3. Obama ended wet foot/dry foot nearly a decade ago… so not really sure what this tweet is about. Why try to pit immigrant BIPoC against immigrant BIPoCs for your own political gain. People are starving. We need to help. side note: a good % of Cubans are Afro Caribbean.
  4. Why would the original tweet knowingly spread false info. That’s so frustrating. There is enough real stuff to attack MM on (such as not stating positions). Why make stuff up. just curious, why did you share this when you knew the OGT was fake?
  5. I mean, a large portion of Texans can’t own guns (too young, felon, etc). So the number you give of people owning guns actually seems higher than I expected.
  6. First game he hasn’t promised both will play? Guess he has seen enough. thank god.
  7. This is wrong. Plenty of Texas who love guns also hate Abbott’s response to covid and his assault on women’s rights. Including many young professionals in my social circle (many are registered Democrats). Beto really fucked himself and the state with those comments. just gotta hope, they realize Beto can’t really do anything about guns, but he can do a lot to protect the rights of women / BIPoCs
  8. Continue being an open and unapologetic racist.
  9. Hope sark understands that like arky, this is a rivalry game. Tech will be out for blood. Especially since we blew up their conference.
  10. Sooo. We gonna make drayton the first million a year RB coach or what?
  11. How many years this new Robinson have left????
  12. Casey would have beat arky. I will believe that until the day I die.
  13. Didn’t know Casey was half Native American. That’s awesome
  14. Think the QB “controversy” is over.
  15. While inferior, I read that France first offered Nuke subs, Australia requested diesel, so the subs were stuck in engineering limbo trying to make diesel work. The key is France wouldn’t give them the technology behind nuclear. We are willing to share it all.
  16. I’m tempted to sign up just to read more of this juicy juicy drama
  17. It’s clockwork. Democrat president - Texas mouth breathers get their jollies on leaving the union republican president - Cali mouth breathers get their jollies on leaving the union. same as it ever was.
  18. Shockingly didn’t lose power for more than 15 mins in Galveston. Large 80 year old privacy hedge is down. Much sucks, besides that no damage
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