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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. Ha it actually was going to be a few years ago until my wife became pregnant with our first. We will likely try to be on it in a few years. Our goal is finish this addition, then get on the historic registry, then tour. The structure was actually raised 10 feet. We have a basement completely buried under a few feet of sand. One of these days I’m going to get drunk, crawl under the house and start digging. Bet I find some cool stuff. happy you enjoy the tour! We volunteer every year. GHF is a great organization that does a lot for the community. My favorite is their program where they buy dilapidated buildings, restore, and turn them into subsided housing for teachers. Really needed now with how stupid housing has become (though nothing compared to Austin).
  2. A dumbass who decided to own houses on two hurricane prone sandbars. Laugh/cry.
  3. Yep. I don’t remember Harsin being shitty.
  4. I have a place in Miami Beach. Wish it was in st Petes. Or in a random key.
  5. Ha. I guess not? To be honest what started all this is that we have flat roofs over side and rear first floor 1940s additions that are the bane of my existence. I have spent probably close to 10k trying stop random leaks ove the years. Eventually decided the only way to stop the leaks is to build a covered porch over both. Then after looking at pricing i decided to just add walls and boom. Additions.
  6. Our house was built in the 1880s and has had a few additions since. Our master bedroom is actually the largest room in the house at 510sf (only reason I know this is that we had plans made up for the addition). It’s pretty badass with a sitting area, full fire place, venturi transom, and many large windows designed to be a breezeway to catch the gulf wind. The other bedrooms are standard size by modern standards. Our current master bathroom is the old trunk room so it’s pretty small. We are going add a new 210sf master bathroom over a rear flat roof that has been giving me issues. Our old bathroom will become the bathroom for the new bedroom being built over a side flat roof on the other side of the house. The original owner was a cotton trader who made a lot of $$ exporting to Europe. It later become an embassy. We are lucky in that it all pretty original with all the OG woodwork still unpainted. Yep. We have a parlor, masonry ice house (where they used to store blocks of Ice back the day), formal dining room, etc. my office is now a play room, hence why we are adding a new one. Will be four. So each kid will have their own room and bathroom. Plus a guest area.
  7. Boooo. Hopefully there is an buyout discount for system schools.
  8. First game I won’t be watching in years. I don’t have fs1 after cutting the cable. In the past I would make plans to go somewhere to watch it. Now, I’ll be taking the kiddo to the beach. Love me some fall gulf coast beach time.
  9. Even more reason to trade utep for traylor. Straight up.
  10. Wait. You think what PK has done so far is acceptable!? In what way? Please explain
  11. True. Oline is the one position that I do not hold the current coaches responsible. that said. They could have gone harder in the portal
  12. Pricing has gone insane in the historic part Galveston. Literally double what it was 2 years ago. Wife is also pregos, so we need another bedroom. Current house is 3-3 3.6k sf and pretty much the largest nonmansion house in the area, so we are fucked with nowhere to move unless we want to shell out 2 million on a white elephant. Housing stock seems to disappear between 3.5k-6k sf, so we are in the process of adding a bathroom, bedroom and office to the house. Fun times. Will get us 4.2k sf or so. I’m hoping it ends up being a good investment, especially since it will hopefully fill the upper middleclass family of 4 niche that seems to be missing.
  13. Bwhahjja. How many times have we heard this exact phrase this decade?! Spoiler alert. Nothing changes. I’m sorry. We have enough talent to beat Baylor, Arkie , and okie state.
  14. Yes. We beat plenty of teams under the Mack years that weren’t outcoached. Just our talented. Heck. Ulalalalalalalaal this year might fall under that category.
  15. Good. Hope this graphic is shown to stark and CDC. shame upon them.
  16. 2 losses at this point. 2-3 total for the season. the biggest thing was that i was expecting to see improvement in play as the season progressed. The opposite has happened. We are regressing. Not a good sign.
  17. You realize we might only win 4-5 wins this year, right? I’d call that incompetence. One Yard.
  18. Bwhahahahaah. Jajajajjaajajajaajajajajajajja
  19. Hell ya. If that was the case he for sure would be gone at the end of the year.
  20. I’m curious, so you don’t think coaching has anything to do with it? Do you we have a well coaches team? Worthy of the millions we are paying for said coaches?
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