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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. The fact that some of y’all are defending coaches who get paid millions of dollars to not lose 3 games in a row in the exact same fashion is crazy to me.
  2. Oh. That’s and I as in Iowa state university. Not L as in Louisiana state university.
  3. Good thing we aren’t playing bama. We are just trying to beat the likes of okie state, Baylor, and ISU. You know. Murders row. Aka the hoarders of 4 and 5 stars. The powerhouses west of the Mississippi!
  4. Can you image keeping him if we lose to Isu? Thankfully that won’t happen.
  5. There is more to coaching than playcalling. It’s called teaching the fundamentals in practice. guess what. That’s also coaching. Stark might be a great play caller. Which is nice. id much rather a great head coach. One Yard.
  6. Eh. Let him enjoy the win. Is comment is benign enough. I’m happy we won’t be helping the Waco economy anytime soon
  7. I’m really not convinced we make a bowl game. This is the Charlie strong disaster times all over again…
  8. Good. Let stark and cdc feel the heat. The embarrassment must be known. Make them feel somewhat sad as they cash their million dollar checks.
  9. Whats crazy is that tackling, while shitty is still better than Orlando. We just aren’t in position and quit in the 4th
  10. Ugh. It member that game. Sophomore year. Nightmares still. shitshow. the hotel “overbooked” so we had to last minute book at a budget motel north of Dallas for triple the cost of our original reservation. being broke college kids we had no money left after the game so we headed back to Austin. Hungry, but poor we stopped at a CICIs pizza where the cashier mocked us for getting shutout. I, being a youthful sunshine pumper that I was responded: “I’m just happy we kept it within two touchdowns”. yuck.
  11. This. While I blame PK for being pigheaded and trying to force shit, it still rolls down to stark. What kind of dipshit hires defensive assistant coaches before the dc is hired. It was a red flag that many of glossed over at the time. How naive of us One Yard.
  12. Herman isn’t our standard. But neither is this dumb fuck. One Yard.
  13. Why go to any game at this point? You enjoy this? Don’t support these loser coaches being paid millions to get… One yard.
  14. Good. Make it uncomfortable for stark and co…. It should be.
  15. Scream enough and people take notice. Hopefully it will put heat on the dumbasses in the AD. Hopefully the rest of the home games are ghost towns
  16. I can’t believe people are defending this dumbass. ONE YARD!!
  17. Curious. What are these “decent signs”?
  18. Wonder how long until the media starts taking the kid gloves off…
  19. Lol. He wishes he was as good as GDGD
  20. All that does is extended this shitshow another 2-3 years. Fun times.
  21. Lol. That’s what we strive to be one day? A “dangerous football team”?? fire this loser for that quote alone
  22. Doubt it is about the actual Eyes. The team has lost faith in the coaches.
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