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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by FORTY NINE TO ZERO

  1. Herzog is such a doomcaster. His verbiage just drips with cum over the though of scaring Houstonians
  2. Which I assume is bad for texas? Less storm over the mountains?
  3. Fyi to those on the coast there is an app called encircle that lets you take quick inventory of your house and possessions. I update it every July.. just in case Started early this year…
  4. Yeah that latest icon model is going to freak people out around here. thankfully still a week out, so it’s going to change
  5. Have you met the Midwesterners that head down to the gulf during the summer? Zero clue about tropical life
  6. I’m starting to get a little concerned in gulf land. people are going to blindly start heading to their 4th of July coastal festivities not realizing there might be a mega storm entering the gulf soon..
  7. Not sure the exact area, but generally these are closed systems. Waste from homes/industries only. Storm water (from street runoff) would not be entering this system. meaning he somehow got inside via the heavy ass hatch. shit, most are locked and located within a fence line
  8. Wtf This is what you get from her story? It wasn’t that bad? Insanity
  9. I just realized the main Jedi master looks like an Asian mitch mcconnell and now I can’t unsee it.
  10. Just finished the first one, it was ehhh acting and writing were clunky. Im a Star Wars nerd so I’ll watch all of them, but very low hopes.
  11. Least we aren’t overpaying pierce. I’m sure it’s been posted, but anyone know his buyout ?
  12. Lot of buildings downtown lost windows Looks like how it was post Ike
  13. Such horseshit. i actually think the protestors are dumb self absorbed kids, but you know what? This exactly the time in their life to be dumb self absorbed kids. Let them fucking do it loudly and in the open while being peaceful. Which they were. Calling fucking gestapo thugs to beat them up is the exactly the type of thing I would expect the president of Texas to know NOT TO DO. its fucking lose/lose
  14. Thinking of stopping all donations to UT related things until Hartzell is gone unless he starts making a statement against the fucking pigs asap
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