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Everything posted by Atxracer

  1. It was a buddies of mine that owns a dealership so I was just driving it for the experience. He made sure to tell my to put my head against the headrest before flooring it. Glad he did.
  2. Just drove the Plaid and holy crap that thing is crazy. I am not/wasn't a huge Tesla person but if I was in the market for a sedan, I am not sure I would consider getting anything besides it.
  3. However, I don’t disagree it’s a skill and a very common way to pass. But, it comes with risks presented today. Looks like the stewards and I view it that if you try it, you better bail or back off if there is not room. I’ve tried it hundreds of times irl and that’s the rule I use. Sometimes I back out, sometime I bail out. Sometimes I sneak in because they didn’t close the door. Sometimes I can hold the outside line. But, it’s on me if there is not room.
  4. The stewards, and I, seem to disagree with you. Life will move on.
  5. It’s a great way to gain some ground you probably shouldn’t have had. But, when you do it you have to take your medicine if there is not room to maneuver and either back out or bail out. That’s the risk you take when you do it. He chooses to late brake and then not bail or back out and bitch that there was no room.
  6. If I could neg his tweet without negging your comment, I would.
  7. I also enjoyed Max’s sportsmanship of walking away and not checking on Hamilton after he left his RR wheel on top of his head. I was trying to start to like him but can’t do it.
  8. Couldn’t agree with the stewards more. Max has a bad habit of late braking in order to claim the right to room and it finally bit him in the ass.
  9. I’m glad you said this. I’ve never really had that fear before either and about as soon as my son was born it hit me. I then made sure the life insurances were in order, a trust was set up, I made a contingency plan for the business and tied up loose ends I never really was concerned with before. I’ve always been a chronic worrier but this brought it to a new level. That said, wife finally got the second vaccine Friday so was out of commission today. Spent the day playing outside, taking a drive, making spaghetti and watching the F1 race and Cars. The juice is worth the squeeze.
  10. Yup, you definitely hate money to buy a used Porsche in this market, lol. But, not saying I wouldn't do it either. Congrats on the car, she's a beauty.
  11. I think that varies by market. For Austin, they are going anywhere from MSRP for the really, really, really good customers and up to 50k over I have heard for the good customers. But, I don't think you can walk in there and get an allocation at 50k over anytime soon unless you know them. I have read on other forums people getting them in different markets at MSRP without much of a relationship. I don't know if that's true or not and which batch they were allocated for. My understanding is the first batch landed or is about to and round 2 is the November batch.
  12. Final, final, final build is in and change date is locked on 8/26 with an expected delivery date of 11/12. I have changed this thing a dozen times. Finally went with black because I just like black cars. Carbon roof, carbon mirrors, carbon on the interior, bucket seats, still couldn't talk myself out of PDK because it's bad ass and it's not worth risking a money shift on a manual, red deviated stitching/seatbelts, white on the "wart" and tach and PCCB's just because I put everything else on it so might as well (I will pull off the rotors as soon as I get it and replace with floating irons). They sent me a build link that I will probably check every day between now and 11/12, lol. Gonna be a long few months.
  13. Nice humblebrag that your wife actually cooks. Mine "tried" when we were first married and was so terrible I took over. Fairly certain that was the plan. Your's may be doing the same. They have cat like manipulation skills.
  14. Nor was when Alonso came down on Hamilton which was a little out of bounds. But, props to Alonso, he did a great job. In the end, great racing today and we all got to witness some serious race craft.
  15. Me too. That was a perfect pick up of a 7-10 split.
  16. I was thinking the reverse. If similar circumstances occur, max has to leave room or the same result will happen. Hamilton was enough beside him even after the late brake by Max so Max couldn’t come in…but he did expecting Hamilton to back out. Now he will just not be so sure Hamilton will back out like he normally does (but, he probably will due to this event). However, in the reverse where Max is in the inside, there is no chance he will back out and will probably brake late just to push Hamilton out more and knows Hamilton has to stay out because of this incident and if Hamilton doesn’t, it would easily cause another crash.
  17. I think I know what you are saying and agree about knowing drivers styles and being predictable. Max was probably thinking, it’s Hamilton, he will back out so I will come in. What I think he missed is, this Hamilton is down in the points so maybe he will drive more aggressively and not back out and maybe I should stay out and not come in. In re Hamilton, I still think he would do the same thing in a redo given the circumstances. But, now that this has happened, I think he will back out next time.
  18. Oh, clearly a world of difference. I was just basing it from where I was coming from and the rules I am used to and assumed they applied here. Due to their expertise, there has to be much more of a grey area here whereas in PCA it's very black and white. Honestly, I am a Hamilton fan and becoming a Max fan (I originally was a fan until he got a little aggressive but now that he is calming down I am warming up). That being said, being behind in the championship, I am not sure Hamilton would have backed out given the second chance (just to be clear I think he should have but he probably would have lost if he did). I am the nicest guy in the world not on a track but on a track it's Jekyll and Hyde. I know a lot of people like that.
  19. Not very surly like to admit but a very solid point.
  20. Great post. In regards to 1, racing is not qualifying or doing a DE event. You often drive different lines with not a lot of regard for the apex. You take a corner early to "close the door" if you are defending. You take a corner wide for an over under (or to just mess with your opponent). When going 2 or 3 wide none of you are going to be on the racing line. You adjust constantly based on what your goal is. Agree with #2 as well but I would put this 60/40 (maybe 55/45) on Hamilton only because he needed a few more inches alongside Max for it to have been 50/50. I watched the video a couple times but didn't study it but it did look like Max late broke pretty heavy which made the difference look a little greater than it was. Hamilton was wide, Max did turn in. That said, I do agree with the theory/rule (this rule applies to PCA and assume it applies to F1) it's the responsibility of the overtaking car to do so safely. Under PCA rules, Hamilton would have gotten what they call a "13" which put you on probation for 13 months since he was the overtaking car and there was an accident. In the end, Max would have done the exact same thing..and, probably more aggressively.
  21. Haven't read the whole thread so not sure if this has been said. But, I respect the hell out of her and think she is a great person and athlete. With that said, my issue is she made a statement where she said she was always doing this for other people and not her and this Olympics she was doing for her. So, when she wasn't comfortable, she bailed. The issue I have is that the Olympics are not for you. They are for your Country and you representing that Country. Go compete, win nationals or whatever the hell they do for you. The Olympics aren't for you.
  22. Pretty sure he's gonna stay in the FZ as he is clearly a gay Aggie. NTTAWW being gay.
  23. ‘Merica, Fuck yeah! I think others will deduct points for no paper plate, beer or gun. But, good enough.
  24. Do we have any updates on France? Looks like a necessary trip popped up for late September. I need to be in Marseilles on 9/27 and “work” for a couple days and then free. I was planning on taking my wife (no pics) and then go play for a week or two. I have never been there before so looking for recommendations on hotels, flights, restaurants, things to do in or around Paris. Because I have a Porsche addiction was planning on popping over to Germany while I am at it and, if the timing works out right, take a European delivery on my car. Was also planning to go by Monaco while in Marseilles. Other than that, I got nothin. Where should we stay, what are the mandatory things to do, where should we eat, etc?
  25. That thing was really annoying and the asshole deserves whatever fine he gets for thinking that shitty ass trailer was going to haul that shitty ass boat. I live pretty much at 620 and 71 and this has destroyed the east bound side of 71 several times the last week or so.
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