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Everything posted by Atxracer

  1. Wow, I am not a big fan of Brady at all. At first, I was like, how does someone with an 8.1 handicap not know the simple rules for hazard play. Then he continued to decline. Then the hole out. The guy is freaking clutch. Still think the right people won but when the pressure came on, Brady and Phil responded.
  2. It’s linen, with glasses, a mustache and those white shoes from the other thread.
  3. That’s the part I am trying to figure out the math on. I have a feeling with a couple trips a month at 2-3 hours each way, fractional would win but I am new to this and could be wrong. Besides one flight, wheels up and net jets, anyone else I should check out. I also don’t know a ton about jets but I don’t see taking any more than 5 passengers at a time. Usually 1-3. But, I want safety too.
  4. That’s kinda what I am seeing from one flight but have a call with them Tuesday to get the full details. Have you checked out net jets and wheels up...or others? Just starting this process and pretty foreign territory.
  5. I still have nightmares driving up that mountain in a Sprinter that sat up high with huge windows and snow on the road (not used to driving in the snow and I hate heights). Had three beers and white knuckled it the whole way down at the end of the day. Next two days we found a driver.
  6. Wow I don’t miss corporate America and I think it has only gotten worse since I left in 2011. And, sorry to the above poster for not having an avatar. Can you reach out to hank hill for some new material and I will update with that. Thanks in advance.
  7. Lol, was this the old GCWA days? I never could flip for control freak reasons but managed to get several huge bruises in the process. I did finally learn the spin after breaking a knuckle. At 43, my knees, ribs, and everything else say honey bunches of nopes to those things.
  8. Friend of my brothers while in high school was raped by his step dad. One morning before school, that happened. Kid came home from school, got a gun, waited for the step dad to come home and killed him. After a long legal battle, he lost because of the premeditation. He got out about 10 years later and I ran into him in a HEB parking lot and he wasn’t the same person anymore. Ran into an older person I knew, not really friend, at 7/11 while in high school and asked me for a ride home. Took him home and went about my day. As it turns out, he had just robbed and murdered an old lady in a house in the subdivision behind the 7/11.
  9. Lol, not for me. I am in insurance and some of my clients are.
  10. What do you aficionados know about fractional options? Currently looking at one flight but haven’t checked into net jets, etc. Checking out one flight because a buddy of mine recommended it. Unless you tell me otherwise from a safety standpoint, not interested in turbo props. Summary is, I really don’t have an interest in traveling commercial for awhile but would be nice to still travel for work a couple times a month (Probably no more than 2-3 hours each way on average). I am in Austin and need to travel pretty much throughout various places in the continental US and sometimes Grand Cayman. Do you guys that are in “the know” have recommendations on which options are the best deal?
  11. Not technically in Houston but we always used Rainey Pools when we were there and they are fantastic. They are off 45 around the league city exit.
  12. Had left over Lupe Tortilla's beef fajitas so it converted into this. Did not suck. Beans, queso, fajita steak, shredded cheese, salsa and sour cream. I was out of japs. k.
  13. Almost. That has to be 8 of 9 so we are getting close.
  14. Perfect. Thanks. Was more looking for investing since I am pretty sure the usage is going to spike in the next few weeks.
  15. I didn't read the whole thread so not sure if this answer has been given. But, if you have to ask, don't do it. They are a big responsibility and shouldn't be taken on if you are questioning the decision. If you do decide to go forward, I recommend a Golden. By far the best dog I have ever had and I won't ever not have one around.
  16. Definitely did that seasoning technique several times before giving up on them. I now moved onto green pan and love them.
  17. What am I doing wrong? I seasoned them with coconut oil and still can't even get eggs not to stick. Even with Pam. I can't stand them.
  18. Does anyone know of a publicly traded rehab?
  19. Skittles, skittles, skittles, skittles and skittles.
  20. You know there are rules, right? Also, Maudie's sells margherita kits as well fwiw.
  21. I submitted mine through Frost. They then managed to come back with a million questions even though they have all the information on my accounts. I am in the business of malpractice insurance for healthcare and am slammed with questions so didn't have time to respond so looks like I missed out on the deal for now. The good part is, I don't think/at least hope, we will need it. When/if the second round comes around, I will drop everything to apply just to be safe.
  22. Help me out here. Being serious and not surly. What is with this Iracing craze? I used it to learn tracks and had set up with a seat, shifter, pedals etc and, while it did it’s purpose, it didn’t feel that realistic. Did something change?
  23. No offense. But, no you didn't. That would be impossible to do. And, they absolutely notoriously overheat on the track. That being said, I hate to say it, but I am pretty impressed with this model so far.
  24. Aren't they basically the same car (assuming Audi SUV)? I had a 14 GTS (loved it) and wife has a 19 turbo. No problems on the turbo so far other than her hitting every fucking curb imaginable. Had to take the 14 in twice because it did this weird thing where it would stay in second gear too long. It was under warranty so not sure of the cost but seemed like an easy fix. No other issues besides that from 10k miles to 70kish miles.
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