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Everything posted by Atxracer

  1. Yeah, we talked about there. My wife loves it but I am not a huge fan.
  2. I’ve got the bug, came from owning that business a decade ago. I just need time. Open wheel racing is in my future. Feeling the car separate from the road, floating and flying trusting only the mechanics and engineering to do what it was intended to do. I can’t wait for the time to feel that rush. That’s the good stuff and totally understand what you are saying. But, for what it’s worth, it’s your hands, butt and feet that maintain that “control” much more than the car. At that 110% point, you surpassed its capabilities and it’s on you. I love certain parts of Cali too. Especially Laguna Seca. But, and no offense, after theIr invasion of Austin, I don’t see convincing my wife to move there. Add to that, not sure I could afford something acceptable but haven’t even looked. I’m kind of assuming the starting point is 5m which doesn’t work. I’ll add it to the list to and see where it fits though because, you’re right, it does check all the boxes.
  3. Solid suggestion as well. Love VIR.
  4. Seriously, you all have been really helpful and given me a lot to digest. And, I welcome more opinions. In the most non-surly way, thank you. I am most interested in Chicago (I want downtown but private pools now that we have dealt with schools are important for us...forgot to mention this.. also, the wife has a lot in common with Willie's favorite herb so that comes into play too). I could deal with a "close" suburb but have done that route before and a little skeptical. The Florida suggestions have been awesome along with the AZ and SC suggestions. I have a lot to research and seriously thank you for the suggestions. Keep'em coming if you have something different or agree with a previous one.
  5. That is certainly a factor. If I do Chicago, it won't be in the burbs. I have learned my lesson there. Honestly, really helpful. That's not a place that was on my radar but is now. Definitely. As much as it may surprise you, it's actually pretty far up on the list of priorities. But, for those that haven't been bitten by "the drug", I totally get not understanding this. Not only is it a priority for me, I full intend to have little man in a kart as soon as possible.
  6. Agreed, going to check out several on there as well.
  7. Despite the salt water piece, I really do love Chicago. It also fits really well with my industry and travel. I avoided it because of little man and winter but going to re-think that.
  8. Solid. Definitely now on the list.
  9. SC keeps popping up so will definitely dig into it some more. Have a buddy the move there from Chicago and then moved back so will check into that. Solid advice. For the Florida folks, when it comes hurricane time, how is the evacuation process? I still have nightmares from the 24 hour drive from Houston to Dallas back in the day.
  10. Good idea. I have visited Scottsdale several times and definitely liked it. I'll add that to the list too. Lol, point taken but have you been to Harlingen? I have...once.
  11. Texas? No offense but hard pass.
  12. This was one of my main reasons for not doing Chicago...besides the increase in crime. From everyone I know that lives/ed there, they move to the burbs when they have kids because, allegedly, the schools suck. And, inquired about private and still didn't get a good response. It really is my favorite city from May-ish till October-ish. Ill research schooling some more as I have no interest living in the burbs of Chicago and dealing with traffic when downtown has so much to offer.
  13. No, car racing. Hastings is a track about 20 minutes outside of Tulsa.
  14. Pretty sure you are kidding but forgot to mention, that's where I grew up. Not going back there.
  15. Other side is an idea too. Ill add that to the vetting list. Certainly not committed to anything at this point.
  16. That's crazy you said that. She went to a race with me there and loves Tulsa..I did too. No salt water or sports. But, the downtown was really cool and Hastings is fantastic. I'll check out the article.
  17. That's an idea, I will add that to the list and check it out. And, from a fellow salesperson, no shame in trying. Unfortunately, I have a "buddy" here that has sold me two houses and sold one so kind of committed.
  18. And not the kind that relocates a huge cock into a slaves ass. Serious question...I think we are getting to the point with Austin to where we may want to consider living somewhere else mainly due to allergies and traffic. If you could go anywhere in the US, where would you go? Some relevant factors: - I can do my job wherever there is internet and would likely work from home. - I do have to travel from time to time so would like an airport that doesn't have to connect through some place everywhere you go. - I really, really miss salt water. - Whatever place we choose will have to have a race track (road course...something, something username) within a couple hours. - Early 40's, married and have a young kid. - Having professional sports teams would be a plus. - Love Chicago but it doesn't fit several of the criteria especially with the kid. Wife (no pics) loves Nashville and Denver which misses the salt water piece. I was thinking Ft. Lauderdale-ish. Also, not interested in California or ideally (but not a deal-breaker) any place with a state income tax. Think we have a pretty diverse group here so would love some thoughts. What say you?
  19. Oh, they did. It would interfere if you got too close to the solid line and then jerks the car back over. Then, after a few corrects, it basically tells you to pay attention. Had to turn that crap off.
  20. After my Mom's last ICU visit (COPD is a bitch) she couldn't do much but color. So, for her last 30 days she colored some butterflies and finished the day hospice showed up. This Christmas, my Dad gave it to my 2 month old son. That will never go anywhere and will probably do some kind of preservation method for it.
  21. Who would have ever predicted a thread about Black Mamba would turn into pegging?
  22. They may sue his insurance company but I see no reason they'd personally sue a random heli pilot? Those people are all well off and I highly doubt his widow has much of anything compared to the passengers on that flight. Sad all around, but even worse getting attorneys involved. They don’t sue his insurance company. They sue him and the insurance company responds on behalf of him which is what triggers coverage. If anything, I see the other passengers relatives suing, and likely for that matter. Even the Paul walker incident had suits related to heat cycled tires. Would be surprised if we don’t see some here.
  23. We really should keep the rapey out of this thread. It’s been settled and vague at best. CSB time. I remember watching a rockets/lakers game. Rockets had a penalty and the crowd started chanting “Kobe Sucks!” As they threw the ball in, I think, “oh shit”. Threw the ball into Kobe and he drops a 3 pointer about 8 foot outside the 3 point line. That shut everyone up. Dude was magical. Side note is they did the same thing to Pujoles. That worked out about the same.
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