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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Teamdirtyleg

  1. Holy shit! I mean... Jesus. I was considering getting this for my fish tank but it must be a completely fraudulent technological pipe dream. https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/seneye-reef-monitor.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIht-9z_7M5AIVGY_ICh15TwDBEAQYASABEgJzNfD_BwE
  2. I changed phones and it is archived on one of my computers. If I come across it I will post it. You’re doing God’s work
  3. What ever became of the Quantum Leap one where he realizes he’s “retarded” and looks in the mirror and its looch. PC’ed away??
  4. I think the sec conference dictates where the students sit, so they probably have the rest standardized. Since this is the first time LSU has played at a big school’s home stadium in a decade they probably forgot how it’s done
  5. I’m quite surprised at the whining by lsu fans and the bitchassedness of Coach O. I thought they’d be tougher than this. And they fucking won the game!!!! Waiting to hear them complain why there were no purple and gold pom poms placed in visitor seats and no free beer vouchers?
  6. The thin skinned little bitch blocked me on Twitter long ago
  7. So somebody with gif skills needs to change the Meet The Parents gif scene to princely spike to the face on Jimbo...add floaties, leave the bikini.
  8. That’s a good summary psychology; projection and cognitive bias.
  9. Water vapor already represents 80-90% of the atmospheric greenhouse gas. GHGs have a diminishing effect as you continue loading them into the atmosphere. Water vapor also has a very short residence time as an atmospheric gas. It shouldn’t cause a positive feedback. I’d be more worried about tsunamis
  10. Buster only won because Tyson had become lazy and overconfident. This sounds more like latter era Mack.
  11. I'll take New Money/Rich Redneck for $500, Alex.
  12. What a shit show this thread is.
  13. This needs its own thread, IMO. Not being topic police, this subject just needs more attention. (I know. Username checks out)
  14. Of course they love their punter. They see how good Dickson was, how much praise he gets and somehow in their minds they naturally believe they are entitled to a better punter now. They have a weird habit of this
  15. Hah! I love you guys. They charged me $4.99
  16. I say howdy a lot. It just comes out in certain situation without any thought on my part. It's a bit tongue in cheek, said fast and sometimes sounds more like Heidi or Hah dee. I will never concede that word as "theirs".
  17. I believe it. No personal experience with this (allegedly) but I believe it.
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