It's sadly comedic. Supposedly he leaves subway walking and talking on the phone with his agent at the time these guys confront him and they were all "Hey aren't you that guy from empire?" (making it seem like a chance encounter) and then proceeded to attack him while wearing ski masks with MAGA hats on over the ski masks. They also happen to have with them a "noose" and some bleach (implying it was planned). They beat him, noose around neck, pour bleach on him, yell "this is MAGA country" as well as presumably some other derogatory things. This all went down during the 60 second surveillance gap where footage shows Jussie walking around with no rope around his neck and him emerging with the rope around his neck. Oh, and still holding his Subway sandwich and cell phone. He walks home leaving the noose around his neck till he gets to his apartment and leaves it on until the police arrive. SOUNDS LEGIT!
What a fucking clown!