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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Teamdirtyleg

  1. I can guarantee that somewhere in aggy internet world the subject is being broached. What if.............?????
  2. I was trying to post something like this but couldn't figure out how to not sound like an insensitive dick. Thanks
  3. Thoughts, prayers, good vibrations.
  4. I don't know why, but I was a bit surprised to see them repeatedly referencing Texags rankings as though its the gold standard. These guys, man. Classic cult like symptom; only WE know the truth.
  5. I quick glance through this year's looch44 tells me I'd have no need of the negative side of the balance sheet for aggy recruits either...
  6. I wrote down the value of looch's deviation for Texas and aggy recruit's from the national average listed there. I had two columns under each school with a + and - to keep track of how much and which direction Looch is grading recruits with respect to the national average (I'm assuming composite) Texas players looch graded higher than the average summed up at a + 7.5, Texas' players he graded lower than the national average totalled -6.9. So a net of 0.6 above national average. aggy players rated higher added up to total of 19.7 over the national average. And guess what.... I never had to use the negative side of aggy's ledger. Surprised? I guess we shouldn't be.
  7. So I google "notable Texas A&M Alumni" and saw the usual suspects. Johnny Manziel, Rick Perry, Lyle, Rober Earl, then saw Rip Torn....RIP TORN!?!?!? I say no fucking way is he an aggy and look it up. This is what his wiki says. " Torn was a member of the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets, although he graduated from the University of Texas[9] where he studied acting under Shakespearean professor B. Iden Payne" also, they list South Park's PC Principal as having graduated from Texas A&M link
  8. He’s waiting for the aggy job to open up after Jimbo retires.
  9. I don’t think that is anything other than wishfully grasping at straws to maintain worldview.
  10. does anyone know if bru signed LOI or just enrolled at USC or what a CB is?
  11. that was the funniest part. When Ej put out his NMPILA thing many of us wouldn't accept the most obvious solution to that riddle.
  12. I remember this quote and it's basically what he was saying. He was complimenting the University for not being a football only school.
  13. I didn’t, but he’s on my radar for his longhorn takes, not his political takes. But the more I think about it the more I think it was about him always being a Debbie downer. Granted this was the Charlie Strong era, so maybe he was right.
  14. I think he blocked me on his personal twitter for me telling him to quit with the politics and get back to covering the Longhorns. Or maybe it’s because I said he was a fretting negative ninny. Blocked there. I much later commented to some random twitter follower that posted something from Wescoit that he’d Blocked me because he’s a thin skinned bitch. Block by BON
  15. Does anyone ever pay attention to those meetings?
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