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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Teamdirtyleg

  1. I’m told that teams that got blown out in the playoff didn’t belong there...
  2. What is their native range "in the wild"???
  3. Surprised by Les Miles age
  4. And have those team buy the hype and underestimate us.
  5. jesus christ. I just heard him say, "from my sources, I know guys on staff there, it's not the coaches fault. They did everything they could to motivate the players". He sort of pulled this card (knowing people/having played in the SEC) before the game. That he "having played" knows what it takes and understands the "difference in physicality" when presented evidence contrary to his points. It's always, "well I played so I understand". Hard to argue with that shit so I'm not in that room talking....yet.
  6. I'm listening to an argument in the next room here at work. I work with a guy from Atlanta who played college ball for Bama. "Georgia didn't want to be there" "In their minds, they belonged in the playoff". "you know that wasn't the same team that played alabama or even Oklahoma last year". Blah blah blah blah blah. This SEC myth will take a while to uproot.... to their own peril.
  7. I'll have a #8 with a side Suck On That and a slice of Take the Loss, Pussy for dessert.
  8. Nothing. My misread on the context. I'll go fuck myself now.
  9. I get what you're saying, but the Heisman matters to recruits and, now, transfers. Especially when Riley can make the reasonable argument to stud QBs that you can come to OU and win a Heisman.
  10. Whatever became of the gif featuring Looch as the Quantum Leap retard in the mirror. I looked a while back and couldn’t find it.
  11. Then why did they not play in the CCG?
  12. We always called the big ones saddle blankets.
  13. As mostly a casual observer in these threads, I can confirm that a lot of posters defended FWK. Some to the point of taking offense over any perceived or overt accusations.
  14. sort of depends on your perspective and whether we mean needs next year or in 3 years. But yes, I suppose they are.
  15. Right? If that qualifies as "a position of need" then just about every position but QB and maybe safety (?) do to.
  16. This analysis forgets the fact that Aggy now, in large part, measures their worth in college football by the money they throw at coaches.
  17. My nephew tried to go this route last fall. He got to see what aggy was all about and just wasn't into it. He transferred to Oklahoma State between semesters and is much happier now.
  18. Yes, still a thing. Was wondering if this is any different too.
  19. Ask him if jimbo will play for the conference championship in his 2nd year there. Or for that matter the 5th. I've already seen this answered. "The SEC is quite a bit harder to win". Well, congrats I guess.
  20. Ahhh, the good ole days when a lot (not all, but a lot) of aggys were aware of their weirdness and laughed at themselves.
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