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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JerryHubbard

  1. If the x-ray is clear, then you have not dropped the lung. But more to your point, I would not block a broken rib so a guy could play football.
  2. Meh - I do intercostal blocks bedside in the ICU. But I do have 30 yrs experience at trauma centers. If they have multiple fractures, I throw in a thoracic epidural, but single fractures get a block. No idea what experience the team doctor has, or what his training entailed.
  3. Intercostal blocks carry a significant risk of pneumothorax. As was mentioned above, typically a small (5-10%) pneumo that just requires follow up chest x-rays until it resorbes. If larger or causing shortness of breath, you put in a chest tube to reexpand the lung.
  4. Assuming that is an 8’ door, this guy is at least 8’6”. SEC size.
  5. I don’t see how this ends well. Admin and CDC view this as a discussion/negotiation. The players view it as a list of demands. Not requests or suggestions. Any attempt to barter or seek compromise will be viewed as a continuation of the unacceptable status quo.
  6. Again - my question is not about Scalley per se. But I am glad that civil discourse is still possible. We still have that.
  7. Agree. I’m not making excuses for Scalley. My question was more hypothetical because I can foresee many more examples appearing over time.
  8. Obviously we don’t. It looks like Utah has hired outside counsel to investigate him. But either way, he is toast. People say and do stupid shit during their lives. We all have. How accountable do we hold people for past sins? How far back do we look?
  9. That was certainly a well thought out, intelligent response. No one is condoning his use of a racial slur. My question was pretty basic - how far back do we dig on people? At what point do we forgive people for past transgressions who have not demonstrated a continual pattern?
  10. I’m not really referring solely to the above story. Just curious if a coach said something 30 yrs ago, would it be a career killer now?
  11. Is there a statute of limitations on saying racially insensitive shit? How far back do we dig on folks?
  12. Bryce knows both of the Piperi brothers, Tripp and Patrick.
  13. OU and Oregon are recruiting him hard as a thrower - track coaches on calls with football coaches. Texas and TAMU - not so much. More reluctantly agreeing to track time off. Get the feeling it would be Oregon by a mile if distance was not a factor. Excellent track program and he has always been a fan of the football program.
  14. Per his mom he has not committed in any way to anyone, and was amused by all the OU crystal balls after his impromptu visit to Norman. I think OU has a slight lead, but UT, TAMU, and Oregon still right there. LSU not so much now.
  15. I don’t see that. OU or UT IMO. He will visit Texas last per Hand’s request. Like our chances.
  16. Oh, actually, there was one more item. Jimbo says that if he comes to A&M, Candi will do anal. South Austin's mom only promised a handy. Advantage Aggy.
  17. Bryce and mom had a great time at Jr Day - they very much enjoyed meeting the new OC. Liked him a lot. Bryce was able to talk with Herman more and again visited with the Track program. Everyone assured him that he could continue to throw at UT while playing football. Heidi (mom) is still hoping for College Station, but that does not appear to be his personal preference. He is a huge fan of coach Hand. Oregon, Oklahoma, and LSU also still in mix (LSU recruiting him the hardest), but Texas probably the favorite with his buddies going there and his relationship with Hand. Doubt mom or brother will relent. Saying they don't really care, but you know that they do. That's all I have.
  18. As bad as our ILB play has been this year, I often wondered why Cort and Luke Brockermeyer had not played some snaps.
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