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Everything posted by unoriginal

  1. Israel intentionally props up Hamas. https://archive.ph/lDTc4
  2. Yeah, my sister went on a similar rant recently about Biden's earlobes and sent me this. It's difficult to find common ground.
  3. Mexican government is disputing the cause of death. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-health-ministry-bird-flu-patient-died-chronic-disease-not-virus-2024-06-07/
  4. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/ex-news-site-editor-had-hundreds-of-child-sex-abuse-images-mass-da-says/3194061/ Guarantee he did more than just discuss it online.
  5. The dollars to pay the previous debt need to be loaned into existence.
  6. Loss prevention team getting serious.
  7. Brave browser has a Force Paste option in the right-click menu if you're willing to switch browsers.
  8. Down 22K full time jobs Up 151K part time jobs Up 123K multiple jobholders
  9. It sure is a good thing the CIA didn't figure out how to weaponize that research, and gave up trying in the 70s.
  10. It is true. Before the first Federal Reserve Note was issued, zero existed. The USG needs 99 FRNs, so it borrows 99 from the Federal Reserve, with a promise to pay back 100 FRNs. That last FRN doesn't exist until it is loaned into existence, so the USG borrows another 99, and around it goes.
  11. He fails to mention that the US debt cannot be paid off. The money needed to pay it off must be loaned into existence, thereby creating more debt.
  12. It's going to be a rough year, isn't it.
  13. Very. Love these things.
  14. Here's 100B if you'll buy this bank for 2B. Things must be bad at CS.
  15. https://panow.com/2021/11/27/holodomor-memorial-day-a-time-to-reflect-on-victims-of-genocide-and-famine/ This genocide was covered up for over 50 years, and many countries still do not recognize it as a genocide. The US and Canada only recently officially recognized it as a genocide (2006 and 2008).
  16. This study indicates there is some benefit from ivermectin. https://www.cureus.com/articles/64807-prophylactic-role-of-ivermectin-in-severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2-infection-among-healthcare-workers
  17. Inflation's silver lining: silver
  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-we-are-seeing-substantial-inflation-and-are-raising-prices-220539307.html
  19. Guliani says he wants to slow roll it so your prediction may be right. The article above claiming fake emails based on some amateur analysis of a pdf is what I was responding to.
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