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Certifiably Surly
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2015 Surly 10%

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  1. Mikey Madison looks really good naked.
  2. Yeah, $80 per ticket increase. But of course this is an $80 increase over last year which was increased over 2023 to account for the 7th game. I think they snuck these on us a couple of times the last 10 years while saying they haven't increased prices. Oh well, it's a blended $80 and I'm going to pay it either way.
  3. nice day either way
  4. It’s not on ESPN+. You have to use cable provider with SECN to watch SECN+
  5. This place is Oak Hill but I've used Dwayne Dougherty Firewood.
  6. If he was presumably 22 when drafted in 1987, then he's at least 59.
  7. Well the blue one isn't a bourbon, but maybe mom will like it. The other one probably isn't much better but might taste more like a bourbon (I've never had it). I just know "texas made" is a bit mis-leading.
  8. No, the Missouri and A&M home games that follow will determine if the season is unraveling.
  9. Kenpom now has us 8-10 in conference. We moved from 38 to 36 last night.
  10. PantsTent


    As a UTEE98, you're giving us a bad name! You could try a 3rd time with the radius, and include some price/in^2 analysis to see if the large is actually cheaper or not.
  11. These are the 7 possible wins...
  12. Student section was probably 80% full for Auburn on a Tuesday night so this was clearly a who gives a shit showing for students. So where does that leave the old Erwin Center debate about student attendence vs quality of seats? I think I can see half of me on the edge of that picture. The wristband checker was letting people go snag the unclaimed T-shirts at halftime so we got a couple of those.
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