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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PantsTent

  1. They have pills for that. The reflux I mean, but for your dick too if necessary.
  2. For me in SW Austin, that was 10 days of breaking and digging rock, with 3 or 4 rain delay days in between.
  3. I turn 48 in July. I'm on it.
  4. What are you calling super high? Target level depends on your CYA level (I'm also a troublefreepools follower). But yes, it will come down on it's own with the long hot days. The "turn your pool over each day" is a decent rule of thumb, but not required. Run pump fast enough to skim properly, and long enough to produce enough chlorine and keep the pool clean and your good.
  5. $167k for pick 300 https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/2023-mlb-draft-bonus-pools-slot-values-for-each-team/#:~:text=Slot values for the draft,%248%2C846%2C900 in the 2022 draft.
  6. Do you not listen to The Horn? They only have one sponsor: Audio Visual Consultation. I had them do our patio/pool TV and a new mount in the bedroom. Was all nice and clean but not a complicated install by any stretch. That's all I got.
  7. Can't find a decent video, but I guess he resets after the leg twitching.
  8. It's after he's set. A lot of pitchers kind of twitch the front leg up and down a few times, but Matthew's was a little higher if I remember last weekend. I've had the same question why it's not starting and stopping a pitching motion.
  9. Don't have one, but Weber does sell them so at least it will fit right. https://www.weber.com/US/en/griddle/full-size-griddle-inserts/
  10. This looks pretty straight forward but is limited to 32. Can do 2 I recon, or google for other options. https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll
  11. I’m tired of these mutha fuckin snakes in my mutha fuckin pool.
  12. Hey 2 DHs worked last night.
  13. 5:06
  14. First game going to the 9th. I imagine they give them at least an hour to warm up but no news yet.
  15. Since this isn’t the beep-beep thread here is snek that just went by.
  16. $30k is the add on for the hot tub
  17. Saw this guy a couple of weeks ago at work. Just cruising around with his lizard snack in the beak.
  18. Not far from that place in Yoakum is Janak's: https://janakscountrymarket.3dcartstores.com/Market-Weiners_p_111.html
  19. What is that one? Pretty sure it’s the same kind I’ve chased off my patio a couple of times now.
  20. Especially after they established that bottom four of EPL, you go to the Championship...now top 4 is Champions. Fuckin' wankers...
  21. So jack Ingram called in sick and William Beckmann was a last minute replacement. That dude was amazing. I’ve heard him a little on KOKE but he can fucking sing and stole the show while sing swapping with Randy Rogers.
  22. It’s Cody Canada. Probably nothing new.
  23. Well, I don’t think more flan is the answer.
  24. Hangin’ with DDA although seems the DA jersey has finally been retired.
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