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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PantsTent

  1. I know I've had some bad luck with this game, but looking at the history is painful. I've went down Day1 with Kentucky/Saint Pete, and Day2 with Purdue/FDU.
  2. Grace Bowers (she was done before I and most people got in the door) and Marcus King.
  3. You probably made a good decision. GCJ's set was from about 11:45 to 1:20. Was awesome though! It was about 90% the upcoming album but I figured that would be the case going in.
  4. Then finish WT101 bottle and open another.
  5. Yes, he mostly plays the old stuff these days. He was never a great singer but he had a stretch where his voice was pretty bad. Last May at the annual Americana Jam in Gruene (RIP) he sounded pretty good though. I won't ever complain drinking Lone Star and hearing Ragweed songs live.
  6. We could be playing ou back to back games if we end up 8th and 9th in the Big12.
  7. Gary Clark Jr is at Emo's in Austin March 13. I don't know if that was a recent addition to his touring or what but seems he's sure to sell out that size of a venue fairly quickly.
  8. You can pay $10 at the garage. From Comal St, left lane is pre-paid and right lane is to purchase.
  9. Fine, we’ll just settle for Jay Wright.
  10. They sent a link to the invoice with the renewal notice. My donation didn't change this year and it's way under the required for new ticket holders.
  11. ** they will go to fans willing to pay full seat gift amount.
  12. We were across the aisle and a few rows down from you. Did you enjoy the WVU lady screaming DEFENSE most of the game? She eventually gave up...
  13. I feel this is one of those Josh memes.
  14. I was looking at this earlier too. He should easily get to 8th but beyond that means he went crazy or we play several more games. I'm good with both!
  15. Can’t really see the fish but this is a baked cod in a a shakshuka style sauce.
  16. 5-8 would have to get a single bye.
  17. That's the way I see too. Tier 3 and 4 I don't think have much seat donation attached so they took them away altogether, and said they can keep Tier 1 and 2 as long as they pay full donation price. Which implies they are grandfathered in and have had the seats for a decent number of years, but mostly sell them.
  18. Him being named the starter prompted the article about the other qb that prompted the I'm a Man, I'm 40 rant.
  19. You cut your fajitas the wrong way.
  20. Fried fish filet. I don't think the menu specified but I think it was Red.
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