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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PantsTent

  1. Was Weid Hall not available?
  2. Yes!
  3. Taking the family for a trip in July. I've skimmed the whole thread and Bainbridge Ferry is recommended often. What do you do when you get there? We'll be on foot from downtown. Do you just ride it over and back for the views or is there something to do/see on the Island other than grab a beer and lunch?
  4. Does this effect gunite (mixed with water in the truck) or only shotcrete (mixed with water at the hose)? I keep seeing shotcrete in these stories so hope it's limited to that since mine was built in 2020 with gunite.
  5. I was wondering about times for tonight and found this in the texassports.com story. I'm guessing not many people will be around for the 9th inning.
  6. Lol, I didn’t realize that line stuck with others too. Every now and then if I get a “what’s all over your shorts?” from the wife I say I was scrounging under bleachers looking for ass.
  7. He’s easy to spot from that pic and beer drinking partner daughter next to him.
  8. I always spend it on all the shit I lost money on in the past. Boring, but it works...
  9. You should all pick Marquette tomorrow. Stone cold lock. I’m mad I already used them.
  10. The AP got 9 of 12 with FAU vs Alabama the difference. Both are based on historical success and returning production. AP put way more weight to FAU's improbably run last year, where KP takes a longer term success trend.
  11. This guy apparently likes him
  12. I know I've had some bad luck with this game, but looking at the history is painful. I've went down Day1 with Kentucky/Saint Pete, and Day2 with Purdue/FDU.
  13. How I read it..
  14. Grace Bowers (she was done before I and most people got in the door) and Marcus King.
  15. You probably made a good decision. GCJ's set was from about 11:45 to 1:20. Was awesome though! It was about 90% the upcoming album but I figured that would be the case going in.
  16. 4, x, 1, 2, 3
  17. Then finish WT101 bottle and open another.
  18. Yes, he mostly plays the old stuff these days. He was never a great singer but he had a stretch where his voice was pretty bad. Last May at the annual Americana Jam in Gruene (RIP) he sounded pretty good though. I won't ever complain drinking Lone Star and hearing Ragweed songs live.
  19. Username checks out
  20. We could be playing ou back to back games if we end up 8th and 9th in the Big12.
  21. Gary Clark Jr is at Emo's in Austin March 13. I don't know if that was a recent addition to his touring or what but seems he's sure to sell out that size of a venue fairly quickly.
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